How to Request a Documentation Review?

How to Request a Documentation Review?

In case you would need to :

  1. Fulfill the Akraino Project TSC requirement to perform a review of your Documentation,
  2. Need assistance related to your Documentation and/or selected topics related to your Documentation

please be so kind to follow the following instructions (procedure):

 1    Prepare a Structure under your BP that reflects the needed/required Documentation as provided under the Akraino Documentation Sub-committee Akraino Templates (1. API document, 2. Architecture document, 3. Datasheet 4. Installation document, 4. Test document, 5.Release notes document) by creating a catalogue that denominates the Documentation purpose (e.g. Akraino Rel 5 Documentation) and under the Catalogue, please filled in all required Templates.

 2    Once you are ready for conducting the review, please be notified that Akraino Documentation Sub-committee has dedicated 2 x 30min slots each Friday at 07:00am PST.

Please go to catalogue: Documentation Review Meeting Notes, Sub-catalogue 2021 year.The link to it is: 2021 year

At the very end/bottom of the page, there is an indication structure on chosing Time Slot and providing the Date/Time/BP's Title/Link to Documentation/PTL's Name.

Please book 1 (one) of the 2 ( two) indicated Time slots by logging in to Akraino Documentation Sub-committee and indicating: 

          2.1 Date and Time of the Slot: e.g. Friday, June 9th, at 07:00 - 07:30 . In case you consider that 30min would not be enough, please book both slots by placing a Remark that you book two (2) slots.

          2.2. Add (write) the BP's title

          2.3 PTL name and

          2.4 Add the link to the Catalogue on Akraino wiki where all the filled in templates and subject for Review are stored

3. Send a written request to: documentation@lists.akraino.org . Adding as Cc the Documentation Sub-Committee Chair, Documentation Co-Chair as well as the Akraino TSC Chair and Co-Chair is optional. You can add as Cc to your mail request for Documentation Review selected individuals in case that you would like these individuals to help and assist you through monitoring/following your request to inform/notify Documentation Sub-committee Chair and/or Co-chair in case that your mail -request is not read.

4. Please await for a Reply-confirmation from Documentation Sub-committee that your Request is been received and accepted and the Date- and Time for Documentation review is noted.

5. After performing Documentation review, under your booking for Documentation Review, the outcome of the review will be conveyed in written as a recommendation to the TSC whether to deem your Documentation as accepted or not. The comments and remarks during the Review, will also be mentioned as part of the forwarded to the Akraino TSC recommendation.

Once the Documentation sub-committee had finalized the Review, the outcome will be convyed to Akraino Process Sub-committee (process@lists.akraino.org) with a Cc to the PTL.

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