The purpose of this page is to collect all the test frameworks/test sets that the different Akraino projects need for validation testing. The goal of the Blueprint Validation Framework project is to support all these test sets with ready made containers, reusing as much existing work as possible.
Test | Target | Level | |
OPNFV Functest healthcheck | OpenStack, Kubernetes | Healthcheck | |
Linux Test Project (ltp) | Linux | API test | |
OpenStack Tempest | OpenStack | API test | |
OpenStack Rally | OpenStack | End-to-end | |
- Linux Test Project
- OpenStack Tempest
Integration tests
- OpenStack Tempest
- Kubernetes integration tests
End-to-end tests
- OpenStack Rally
Acceptance testing
- Agouti
Performance testing
- OpenStack Rally
- OPNFV Yardstick
- Cyclictest
- Bonnie++
- Iperf