Example Configuration Input File - Rover Pods on Dell 740XD Servers
Example Configuration Input File - Rover Pods on Dell 740XD Servers
Ericsson Validation Labs
This section includes a example input file similar to that used during Ericsson Validation testing to deploy a Rover pod.
Please reference the following lab configuration Ericsson Rover Validation HW, Networking and IP plan.
# host name for server SRV_NAME=aknode27 # out of band interface information for server (idrac/ilo/etc) SRV_OOB_IP= SRV_OOB_USR=root SRV_OOB_PWD=calvin # mac address of server to be used during the build - not required for Dell 10G servers # SRV_MAC=3c:fd:fe:b8:10:60 # the boot device is the device name on which the OS will be loaded SRV_BOOT_DEVICE=sda # Ubuntu kernel and version to use for os install # valid options are hwe-16.04.6-amd64 or 16.04.6-amd64 SRV_BLD_SCRIPT=hwe-16.04.6-amd64 SRV_KERNEL_PARAMS= #Note: this parameter identifier must be included in the input file but for the RC it should be left blank # template xml file to set bios and raid configuration settings SRV_BIOS_TEMPLATE=dell_r740_g14_uefi_base.xml.template SRV_BOOT_TEMPLATE=dell_r740_g14_uefi_httpboot.xml.template SRV_HTTP_BOOT_DEV=NIC.Slot.7-1-1 # template to run to configure OS after first boot # current options are: firstboot.sh.template, firstboot-genesis.sh.tempate or firstboot-airship-iab.sh.template SRV_FIRSTBOOT_TEMPLATE=firstboot.sh.template # VLAN to use during build and for final network configuration SRV_VLAN=408 # basic network information for dhcp config and final server network settings SRV_MTU=9000 SRV_IP= SRV_SUBNET= SRV_NETMASK= SRV_GATEWAY= SRV_DNS= SRV_DOMAIN=vran.k2.ericsson.se SRV_DNSSEARCH=vran.k2.ericsson.se SRV_NTP=seki20-ntp1.k2.ericsson.se # network bond information - NOTE: SRV_SLAVE1 will be used for OS install SRV_BOND=bond0 SRV_SLAVE1=enp134s0f0 SRV_SLAVE2=enp134s0f1 # password to set for root after OS is installed SRV_PWD=akraino,d #