REC Project Minutes 2019.09.19
REC Project Minutes 2019.09.19
- Paul Carver
- Alexandru Antone
- Sachin Yede
- Tapio Tallgren
- Juha Oravainen
- Radulescu Valentin
- Ankit Tripathi
- cristinapauna
- Tina Tsou (Deactivated)
- x86/amd64 build issues seem to be resolved
- We're planning a series of small enhancements to allow a more convenient default networking for pods that don't care what sort of networking they get while still allowing pods that do care to provide detailed specification via DANM annotations
- We have the latest version of RIC running via manual install. The workflow ric_automation.sh will be updated soon, but hasn't been yet and is currently not working.
- Open discussion of REC installation
- Temporary issue with RIC code (the upstream O-RAN-SC project, not the REC) availability due to legal review. We expect that it will become available again shortly.
- Discussion of a recurring error related to the third node in the etcd cluster. Will follow up in email to the blueprint mailing list.
- We now have ARM RPMs being pushed to Nexus by LF Jenkins jobs