Meeting Minutes 2023-0810

Meeting Minutes 2023-0810

会议时间:2023/08/10 14:30-16:30 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京




Agenda Items

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30R8 plan

Aug 10th, 2023 Attendance list:  hanyu ding, Baohong Ma from MIGU,  Li Mengxuan from 4Paradigm

The vGPU management scheme from Fourth Paradigm matches the most of requirements from MiGu.

Next step:

1. Combining the bare metal scheme of the 4Paradigm and MiGu's business scenario, verify the GPU virtualization scheme. Mainly concerned about whether the resources between different application processes are isolated and the utilization rate of cards.

2. Business scenarios and test resource are to be discussed with MIGU. e.g GPU Model, quantity of GPU/CPU/bare metal.

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