REC Project Minutes 2019.03.19

REC Project Minutes 2019.03.19


  • Paul Carver
  • John Craig
  • Levente Kale


  • We switched to a different bridge due to limitations in Zoom. The meeting info was updated in lists.io and Zoom.
  • No significant new info since last week.
  • AT&T and Nokia are planning a demo at ONS but it will only be loosely connected to this project because there is no code available yet.
  • As noted in last week's minutes, there is some existing code that is being reviewed for legal/copyright issues before being released as an initial "seed" for the project.
  • This project does have a Jira available at https://jira.akraino.org/projects/REC/issues/?filter=allopenissues but we haven't identified any specific tasks yet. Input is welcome from anyone who wants to suggest requirements.