Predictive Maintenance of Hardware

Predictive Maintenance of Hardware

Project Technical Lead:  

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 Committer Contact Info

Committer Bio

Committer Picture

Self Nominate for PTL (Y/N)

Vijay Palpalc networks



Innovative Leader with 20+years of experience in software development for Networks and security platforms. Expert in advanced software development methodologies, tools and processes contributing to the design and roll-out of cutting-edge software applications.
Known for excellent troubleshooting skills – able to analyze code and do re-engineering of legacy code as well as opensource code for high performance delivery . 

Vignesh Kesavanpalc networkskvignesh@palcnetworks.com

Vishwas Sharmapalc networksvishwas.sharma@palcnetworks.com

Shivashankar C Rpalc networkscshivash@palcnetworks.com

Subham Ranapalc networksrsubham@palcnetworks.com

Sarthak Sharmapalc networksssarthak@palcnetworks.com


The following is base ppt file for above pdf.

Use Case Details


New Blueprint for Predictive Maintenance  of Hardware at the Edge

Blueprint Family - Proposed Name

AI Edge Blueprint Family

Use Case

Provide Predictive Maintenance  of Hardware ( HDD ,sensors , Optics ,interfaces ,  CPU etc) in advance before system failure

Blueprint proposed Name

Predictive Maintenance

Initial POD Cost (capex)

Leverage Unicycle POD - less than $150k

Scale & Type

Up to 100K devices

  x86/ARM server or deep edge class


Our AI based Predictive Maintenance solution has application  and usage in every aspect networks / data center’s / compute nodes /autonomous robots and cars.

Power Restrictions

Less than 10Kw

Infrastructure orchestration

Docker 1.13.1 or above and K8s 1.10.2 or above- Container Orchestration

OS - Ubuntu 22.x



Workload Type


Additional Details

Kafka message bus and Webhook/Nginx middleware

Kubeless function management engine over Kubernetes

PMC Client with network connectivity

GUI based installer for Functions

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