Akraino Regional Communities
jim.xu@zenlayer.com Ike Alisson Jeff Brower
Purpose and Objective
Akraino Blueprints benefit from the health upstream projects, such as Kubernetes, Linux, DPDK. In order to promote, market, and bring technical content and value of Blueprints into broad adoption, it is proposed to establish Akraino regional communities and work with local communities as the Akraino open source Downstream. It is expected this will help Akraino downstream communities in collaborating, integrating and sharing the Blueprints with Akraino Community, and drive additional value by new projects across verticals with Blueprints to accelerate deployment of use cases.
To better operate the regional communities, each community will need to follow the policies and guidelines from LF Edge and Akraino, including the following explicit rules:
- Akraino is governed by the Linux Foundation and its Antitrust Policy; all Akraino regional community activities must be in accordance with applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws. Examples of types of actions that are prohibited in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy. If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP,which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation
- Regional community activities must also be in compliance with local laws
- Open Policy and Vendor Neutral. Each Blueprints may allow limitations in supporting a certain architecture or a certain hardware/software
Operational Procedures
- Local community lab submits an application and web landing page, marked as pending review by the Akraino TSC according to Technical Community Document section 4.5.1
- API and Upstream/Downstream subcommittees assist in initial check on rules and policy
- If passed by subcommittees, the local community lab will be scheduled for TSC for review and voting approval. If passed by TSC vote, the local community lab application and landing page will be considered approved
- During ongoing operations, the local community lab must follow all Linux Foundation and TSC rules and policies. For significant changes in operation, the TSC must be updated
- Violation of Linux Foundation policies or TSC rules may result in disqualification of the local community lab