ELIOT Weekly Meeting

ELIOT Weekly Meeting

Proposed topics:

  1. ONS demo roadmap
  2. CI/CD setting/local lab organization
  3. Calsoft changes for infra
  4. Release 2 Plan discussion

By:        khemendra kumar

When:  Monday, 2:00 PM UTC

Where: https://zoom.us/j/93687158158?pwd=OHZZeUd5YXZwMVdmd3JPUUJVWjV3UT09

Organizer: ELIOT Blueprint blueprints@lists.akraino.org


Meeting Content (minutes / recording / slides / other):

Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 6 status
    1. ELIOT build 
      1. AIO mode - completed
      2. Muno Mode -completed
  2. Security/Validation
    1. Security builds with bluval - completed
    2. Obtain Issue reported by tool - completed
    3. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - Sachin
    4. Issue fixes - InPorgress
      1. vuls/lyns - completed
      2. Kube-hunter - 1 issue is in progress
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - completed
    2. upstream matrix update - completed 
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - completed
  4. Release matrix update - completed
  5. data sheet 1 page  - completed
  6. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  7. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 6 status
    1. ELIOT build 
      1. AIO mode - completed
      2. Muno Mode -completed
  2. Security/Validation
    1. Security builds with bluval - completed
    2. Obtain Issue reported by tool - completed
    3. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - Sachin
    4. Issue fixes - InPorgress
      1. vuls/lyns - completed
      2. Kube-hunter - InPorgress
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - completed
    2. upstream matrix update - completed 
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - completed
  4. Release matrix update - completed
  5. data sheet 1 page  - completed
  6. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  7. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 6 status
    1. ELIOT build 
      1. AIO mode - completed
      2. Muno Mode -completed
  2. Security/Validation
    1. Security builds with bluval - completed
    2. Obtain Issue reported by tool - completed
    3. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - Sachin
    4. Issue fixes - InPorgress
      1. vuls/lyns - completed
      2. Kube-hunter - InPorgress
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - open
    2. upstream matrix update - open 
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - Open
  4. Release matrix update - open
  5. data sheet 1 page  - open
  6. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  7. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 6 status
    1. ELIOT build 
      1. AIO mode - completed
      2. Muno Mode -completed
  2. Security/Validation
    1. Security builds with bluval - completed
    2. Obtain Issue reported by tool - completed
    3. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - Sachin
    4. Issue fixes - InPorgress
      1. vuls/lyns - completed
      2. Kube-hunter - InPorgress
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - open
    2. upstream matrix update - open 
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - Open
  4. ELIOT IOT Portal 
  5. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  6. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 6 status
    1. ELIOT build 
      1. AIO mode - In progress
      2. Muno Mode
  2. Security/Validation
    1. Security builds with bluval - In progress
    2. Obtain Issue reported by tool - Open
    3. Attend Security/Validation Meeting - Sachin
    4. Issue fixes - Open
  3. subcommittee review:
    1. API doc update if required - open
    2. upstream matrix update - open 
    3. Docs update for rel 6 - Open
  4. ELIOT IOT Portal 
  5. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  6. Open Discussion

Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 6 status
    1. ELIOT build 
      1. AIO mode - In progress
      2. Muno Mode
    2. Secuirty build
    3. security issues analysis
    4. security issues fixing
  2. ELIOT IOT Portal 
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 6 status
  2. ELIOT IOT Portal 
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
  1. Edgegallery version update for 1.5
  2. portal demo and discussion - sathish
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 6 status
  2. ELIOT IOT Portal 
  3. ELIOT maturity
  4. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  5. Open Discussion
  1. Create Rel 5 branch - khem , ticket is raised to LF team
  2. Edgegallery version update for 1.3
  3. IIOT use cases and requirements for Release 6. - Khem
  4. portal demo and discussion - sathish
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT MONO mode
  2. ELIOT rel 6 status
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT MONO mode
  2. ELIOT rel 5 status
  3. Installatio guide Change review
  4. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  5. Open Discussion
  1. Update uCPE landing page with data sheet, send mail to kendall
  2. update video in rel 5 marketing page and send mail to Jill :Akraino Release 5 Marketing
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT MONO mode
  2. ELIOT rel 5 status
  3. Installatio guide Change review
  4. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  5. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT Components integrations
    1. Hawkbit
    2. OPC-UA
  2. ELIOT rel 5 status:
    1. CI
    2. Security and validation - NET-CAP_RAW
    3. Doc
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
  1. Hawkbit – rabbit MQ issue as already installed  – khem
  2. Hawkbit shell script for local storage - Jameel
  3. promethous issue - sathish/khem
  4. grafana expose nodeport  - sathish
  5. NFS support in EG  - khem
  6. AIO mode and Muno mode diff - khem/jameel
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT Components integrations
    1. Hawkbit
    2. OPC-UA
  2. ELIOT rel 5 status:
    1. CI
    2. Security and validation - NET-CAP_RAW
    3. Doc
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
  1. EdgeX integration with ELIOT: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rrSLCLcSWI_iL-DsaSlXP1Y1y7DaP6g__ZfPGePOY7E/edit#slide=id.p
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT Components integrations
    1. Hawkbit
    2. EdegX 
    3. OPC-UA
  2. ELIOT rel 5 status:
    1. CI
    2. Security and validation - NET-CAP_RAW
    3. Doc
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
  1. Prepare integarted Arch slide altogather with all components toagther for App developer and deployment - khem
  2. Deploye and start work on fixing/enable other components from Rel4 - Jameel
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. Edge gallery updation 
  2. ELIOT Components integrations
    1. Hawkbit
    2. EdegX 
    3. OPC-UA
  3. ELIOT rel 5 status:
    1. CI
    2. Security and validation
    3. Doc
  4. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  5. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. Edge gallery updation 
  2. ELIOT Components integrations
    1. Hawkbit
    2. EdegX 
    3. OPC-UA
  3. ELIOT rel 5 status:
    1. CI
    2. Security and validation
    3. Doc
  4. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  5. Open Discussion
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 5 requirement - khemendra
  2. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  3. Rel 5 status update
  4. Open Discussion
  1. Eclipse kura how to integrate with ELIOT - khem
  2. Blog for ELIOT - khem 
  3. Rel 5 updates - khem/srini
  4. check for SONic solution for uCPE  – khem
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 5 requirement - khemendra
  2. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  3. Rel 5 status update
  4. Open Discussion
  1. Eclipse kura last commits/updates etc. before confirm - khem
  2. Blog for ELIOT - khem 
  3. Rel 5 updates - khem/srini
Agenda and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 5 requirement
  2. uCPE SDWAN discussion - CMCC
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion

Agenta and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 5 requirement
  2. uCPE SDWAN discussion - CMCC
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion

Agenta and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 5 requirement
  2. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  3. Open Discussion
  • Create Rel4 branch, raise LF ticket - khem
  • Analysis of other eclipse projects - khem
  • Validation and security creteria update for Rel5 - srini
  • blog -  khem
Agenta and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT rel 5 requirement
  2. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  3. Open Discussion
    • Create Rel4 branch, raise LF ticket - khem
    • Analysis of other eclipse projects - khem
    • Validation and security creteria update for Rel5 - srini
    • blog, orignal figures -  khem
Agenta and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT Release 4 status
  2. ELIOT rel 5 requirement
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
    • Create Rel4 branch, raise LF ticket - khem
    • further analyze for ELIOT integration with hono - khem
    • Validation and security creteria update for Rel5 - srini
Agenta and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT Release 4 status
  2. ELIOT rel 5 requirement
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
    • Create Rel4 branch, raise LF ticket - khem
    • further analyze for ELIOT integration with hono - khem
Agenta and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT Release 4 status
  2. ELIOT rel 5 requirement
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
    • Source code analysis: Add src code guide for new developer reference - srini
    • Create Rel4 branch, raise LF ticket - khem
    • provide HONO analysis link, brief overview in next call - khem
Agenta and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT Release 4 status
  2. ELIOT rel 5 requirments
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
    • Source code analysis: Add src code guide for new developer reference
    • Landing applications 
Agenta and MOM:  
  1. ELIOT Release 4 status
  2. ELIOT rel 5 requirments
  3. Community Updates - Khemendra 
  4. Open Discussion
    • Source code analysis: Add src code guide for new developer reference
    • Landing Application: can add demo application/end user strory etc.

Agenda & MOM:

.04Dec 2019 MOM/ recording / Slides

.16Oct 2019 MOM/ recording / Slides

.9Oct 2019 MOM/ recording / slides

.11Sep 2019 MOM/ recording / Slides

.21August 2019 MOM/ recording / slides

.14 August 2019 MOM/ recording / slides

.07August 2019 MOM/ recording / Slides

.31July 2019 MOM/ recording / slides

.24July 2019 MOM / recording / slides

.17July 2019 MOM / recording / slides

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