Test Document for release7

Test Document for release7

Test document

*The following word file is base file of the above pdf.

Pass (19/19 test cases)

Bluval Tests

Execute with reference to the following

Bluval User Guide

Steps To Implement Security Scan Requirements


There are 2 security related tests: lynis & vuls. And there are 2 k8s related tests: kube-hunter & conformance tests.

In this Blueprint, we test lynis & vuls, we do not test k8s related tests: because of not using k8s.

Also refer to Bluval User Guide, the procedure is to clone the files from http://gerrit.akraino.org/r/validation and execute them,

but a configuration file:Bluval/validation/docker/os/Dockerfile does not correspond to this OS version, we execute tests manually.

The Configuration file are only supported up to Ubuntu 18.


We use Ubuntu 18.04/22.04 or RaspberryPi(Debian 11), so we ran Vuls test as follows:

  1. Create directory

    $ mkdir ~/vuls
    $ cd ~/vuls
    $ mkdir go-cve-dictionary-log goval-dictionary-log gost-log
  2. Fetch NVD

    $ docker run --rm -it \
        -v $PWD:/go-cve-dictionary \
        -v $PWD/go-cve-dictionary-log:/var/log/go-cve-dictionary \
        vuls/go-cve-dictionary fetch nvd
  3. Fetch OVAL

    if OS is Ubuntu 18.04/22.04, we use following command,

    $ docker run --rm -it \
         -v $PWD:/goval-dictionary \
         -v $PWD/goval-dictionary-log:/var/log/goval-dictionary \
         vuls/goval-dictionary fetch ubuntu 18 19 20 21 22

    if OS is RaspberryPi(Debian 11), we use following command,

    $ docker run --rm -it \
         -v $PWD:/goval-dictionary \
         -v $PWD/goval-dictionary-log:/var/log/goval-dictionary \
         vuls/goval-dictionary fetch debian 11
  4. Fetch gost

    if OS is Ubuntu 18.04/22.04, we use following command,

    $ docker run --rm -i \
         -v $PWD:/gost \
         -v $PWD/gost-log:/var/log/gost \
         vuls/gost fetch ubuntu

    if OS is RaspberryPi(Debian 11), we use following command,

    $ docker run --rm -i \
         -v $PWD:/gost \
         -v $PWD/gost-log:/var/log/gost \
         vuls/gost fetch debian
  5. Create config.toml

    host = ""
    port = "22"
    user = "test-user"
    keyPath = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" # path to ssh private key in docker
  6. Start vuls container to run tests

    $ docker run --rm -it \
        -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
        -v $PWD:/vuls \
        -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls \
        -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
        -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
        vuls/vuls scan \
  7. Get the report

    $ docker run --rm -it \
         -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
         -v $PWD:/vuls \
         -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls \
         -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
         vuls/vuls report \
         -format-list \


Nexus URL: https://nexus.akraino.org/content/sites/logs/fujitsu/job/robot-family/R7/sses-vuls/

PDH,IoT Gateway

There are 26 CVEs with a CVSS score >= 9.0. These are exceptions requested here:

Release 7: Akraino CVE and KHV Vulnerability Exception Request









No fix available





No fix available





Uninstall firefox
$ sudo apt remove firefox*





Uninstall firefox
$ sudo apt remove firefox*





Uninstall firefox
$ sudo apt remove firefox*





Uninstall firefox
$ sudo apt remove firefox*





Uninstall firefox
$ sudo apt remove firefox*





Reported fixed in 8.19 and later version (installed), but still reported by Vuls





Reported fixed in 8.19 and later version (installed), but still reported by Vuls


CVE-2019-82879.8https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-8287Uninstall tigervncserver
$ sudo apt remove tigervnc*
$ sudo apt-get remove tightvnc* -y
CVE-2022-03189.8https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0318Uninstall vim
$ sudo apt remove vim*
CVE-2022-238529.8https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-23852Uninstall firefox, thunderbird
$ sudo apt remove firefox* thunderbird*
firefox, thunderbird
CVE-2022-247919.8https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-24791Uninstall firefox, thunderbird
$ sudo apt remove firefox* thunderbird*
firefox, thunderbird




Uninstall firefox, thunderbird
$ sudo apt remove firefox* thunderbird*

firefox, thunderbird




Uninstall firefox, thunderbird
$ sudo apt remove firefox* thunderbird*

firefox, thunderbird




Uninstall firefox, thunderbird
$ sudo apt remove firefox* thunderbird*

firefox, thunderbird

CVE-2022-36499.8https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-3649No fix availablelinux-image-4.15.0-197-generic
CVE-2022-376099.8https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-37609Uninstall firefox, thunderbird
$ sudo apt remove firefox* thunderbird*
CVE-2022-393949.8https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-39394Uninstall thunderbird
$ sudo apt remove thunderbird*
CVE-2016-91809.1https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2016-9180No fix availablelibxml-twig-perl




No fix available


CVE-2022-243039.1https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-24303No fix availablepython3-pil
CVE-2022-393199.1https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2022-39319No fix availablelibfreerdp-client2-2, libfreerdp2-2, libwinpr2-2
CVE-2022-418779.1https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-41877No fix availablelibfreerdp-client2-2, libfreerdp2-2, libwinpr2-2

PC/Server for robot control

There are 40 CVEs with a CVSS score >= 9.0. These are exceptions requested here:

Release 7: Akraino CVE and KHV Vulnerability Exception Request






CVE-2016-15859.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2016-1585No fix availableapparmor
CVE-2017-182019.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2017-18201No fix availablelibcdio17
CVE-2017-78279.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2017-7827No fix availablelibmozjs-52-0
CVE-2018-50909.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2018-5090No fix availablelibmozjs-52-0
CVE-2018-51269.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2018-5126No fix availablelibmozjs-52-0
CVE-2018-51459.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2018-5145No fix availablelibmozjs-52-0
CVE-2018-51519.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2018-5151No fix availablelibmozjs-52-0
CVE-2019-170419.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2019-17041No fix availablersyslog
CVE-2019-170429.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2019-17042No fix availablersyslog
CVE-2022-03189.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-0318No fix availablexxd
CVE-2022-36499.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-3649No fix availablelinux-image-4.15.0-197-generic
CVE-2022-38909.6https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-3890No fix availablechromium-browser
CVE-2022-41359.6https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-4135No fix availablechromium-browser
CVE-2016-91809.1https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2016-9180No fix availablelibxml-twig-perl
CVE-2019-204339.1https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2019-20433No fix availableaspell
CVE-2022-243039.1https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-24303No fix availablepython3-pil

Cloud/Edge Cloud

There are 2 CVEs with a CVSS score >= 9.0.

Release 7: Akraino CVE and KHV Vulnerability Exception Request






CVE-2016-15859.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2016-1585No fix availableapparmor
CVE-2022-36499.8https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-3649No fix availablelinux-gcp


Nexus URL(after fix): 




The initial results compare with the Lynis Incubation: PASS/FAIL Criteria, v1.0 as follows.

PDF,IoT Gateway

The Lynis Program Update test MUST pass with no errors.

2022-11-22 07:46:44 Test: Checking for program update...
2022-11-22 07:46:44 Current installed version  : 308
2022-11-22 07:46:45 Latest stable version      : 308
2022-11-22 07:46:45 No Lynis update available.

Fix: Download and run the latest Lynis directly on SUT.

Steps To Implement Security Scan Requirements#InstallandExecute

The following list of tests MUST complete as passing
1Test: Checking PASS_MAX_DAYS option in /etc/login.defs

Result: password aging limits are not configured
Suggestion: Configure maximum password age in /etc/login.defs [test:AUTH-9286] [details:-] [solution:-]
Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (0 of 1). Currently having 11 points (out of 24)

Set PASS_MAX_DAYS 180 in /etc/login.defs
2Performing test ID AUTH-9328 (Default umask values)Result: found /etc/profile.d, with one or more files in itOK
3Performing test ID SSH-7440 (Check OpenSSH option: AllowUsers and AllowGroups)Performing test ID SSH-7440 (Check OpenSSH option: AllowUsers and AllowGroups)
Result: AllowUsers is not set
Result: AllowGroups is not set
Result: SSH has no specific user or group limitation. Most likely all valid users can SSH to this machine.
Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (0 of 1). Currently having 108 points (out of 157)
Security check: file is normal
Checking permissions of /home/pi/lynis/lynis/include/tests_snmp
File permissions are OK
Configure AllowUsers, AllowGroups in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

If you run the lynis shell script as an ordinary user, it will output an error. So run the script as a privileged user.

 $ su root

# whoami


# ./lynis audit system



4Test: checking for file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdateResult: file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate does not exist
Result: Found a time syncing daemon/client.
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (3). Currently having 117 points (out of 172)
5Performing test ID KRNL-6000 (Check sysctl key pairs in scan profile) :  Following sub-tests requiredN/AN/A
5asysctl key fs.suid_dumpable contains equal expected and current value (0)Result: sysctl key fs.suid_dumpable contains equal expected and current value (0)OK
5bsysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict contains equal expected and current value (1)Result: sysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict contains equal expected and current value (1)OK
5csysctl key net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route contains equal expected and current value (0)Result: sysctl key net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route contains equal expected and current value (0)OK
6Test: Check if one or more compilers can be found on the system

Performing test ID HRDN-7220 (Check if one or more compilers are installed)
Test: Check if one or more compilers can be found on the system
Result: no compilers found
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (3). Currently having 138 points (out of 219)


PC/Server for robot control

The Lynis Program Update test MUST pass with no errors.

2022-03-23 05:13:56 Test: Checking for program update...
2022-03-23 05:14:03 Current installed version : 308
2022-03-23 05:14:03 Latest stable version : 308
2022-03-23 05:14:03 No Lynis update available

Fix: Download and run the latest Lynis directly on SUT.

Steps To Implement Security Scan Requirements#InstallandExecute

The following list of tests MUST complete as passing

1Test: Checking PASS_MAX_DAYS option in /etc/login.defsResult: password aging limits are not configured

Set PASS_MAX_DAYS 180 in /etc/login.defs

2Performing test ID AUTH-9328 (Default umask values)Test: Checking umask value in /etc/login.defs
Result: found umask 022, which could be improved

Set UMASK 027 in /etc/login.defs

3Performing test ID SSH-7440 (Check OpenSSH option: AllowUsers and AllowGroups)

Result: AllowUsers is not set
Result: AllowGroups is not set
Result: SSH has no specific user or group limitation. Most likely all valid users can SSH to this machine.
Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (0 of 1). Currently having 152 points (out of 223)
Security check: file is normal
Checking permissions of /home/ubuntu/lynis/include/tests_snmp
File permissions are OK

Configure AllowUsers, AllowGroups in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

4Test: checking for file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdateResult: file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate does not exist
Result: Found a time syncing daemon/client.
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (3). Currently having 161 points (out of 238)
5Performing test ID KRNL-6000 (Check sysctl key pairs in scan profile) :  Following sub-tests requiredN/AN/A
5asysctl key fs.suid_dumpable contains equal expected and current value (0)sysctl key fs.suid_dumpable has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=0, Real=2
Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (0 of 1). Currently having 163 points (out of 253)

Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf

echo 'fs.suid_dumpable=0' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf
sudo /sbin/sysctl --system
sudo sysctl -a |grep suid

5bsysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict contains equal expected and current value (1)Result: sysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=1, Real=0

Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf

echo 'kernel.dmesg_restrict=1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf
sudo /sbin/sysctl --system
sudo sysctl -a |grep dmesg

5csysctl key net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route contains equal expected and current value (0)Result: sysctl key net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=0, Real=1Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf

echo 'net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route=0' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf
sudo /sbin/sysctl --system
sudo sysctl -a |grep ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route
6Test: Check if one or more compilers can be found on the systemResult: found installed compiler. See top of logfile which compilers have been found or use /bin/grep to filter on 'compiler'
Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (1 of 3). Currently having 180 points (out of 286

Found known binary: as (compiler) - /usr/bin/as
Found known binary: cc (compiler) - /usr/bin/cc
Found known binary: g++ (compiler) - /usr/bin/g++
Found known binary: gcc (compiler) - /usr/bin/gcc

Uninstall gcc and remove /usr/bin/as, /usr/bin/cc

Cloud/Edge Cloud

The Lynis Program Update test MUST pass with no errors.

2022-11-28 00:14:35 Test: Checking for program update...
2022-11-28 00:14:35 Current installed version  : 308
2022-11-28 00:14:35 Latest stable version      : 308
2022-11-28 00:14:35 No Lynis update available. 

Fix: Download and run the latest Lynis directly on SUT.

Steps To Implement Security Scan Requirements#InstallandExecute

The following list of tests MUST complete as passing

1Test: Checking PASS_MAX_DAYS option in /etc/login.defsResult: password aging limits are not configured

Set PASS_MAX_DAYS 180 in /etc/login.defs

2Performing test ID AUTH-9328 (Default umask values)Test: Checking umask value in /etc/login.defs
Result: found umask 022, which could be improved

Set UMASK 027 in /etc/login.defs

3Performing test ID SSH-7440 (Check OpenSSH option: AllowUsers and AllowGroups)

Result: AllowUsers is not set
Result: AllowGroups is not set
Result: SSH has no specific user or group limitation. Most likely all valid users can SSH to this machine.
Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (0 of 1). Currently having 152 points (out of 223)
Security check: file is normal
Checking permissions of /home/ubuntu/lynis/include/tests_snmp
File permissions are OK

Configure AllowUsers, AllowGroups in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

If you run the lynis shell script as an ordinary user, it will output an error. So run the script as a privileged user.

 $ su root

# whoami


# ./lynis audit system



4Test: checking for file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdateResult: file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate does not exist
Result: Found a time syncing daemon/client.
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (3). Currently having 177 points (out of 168)
5Performing test ID KRNL-6000 (Check sysctl key pairs in scan profile) :  Following sub-tests requiredN/AN/A
5asysctl key fs.suid_dumpable contains equal expected and current value (0)sysctl key fs.suid_dumpable has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=0, Real=2
Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (0 of 1). Currently having 163 points (out of 253)

Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf

echo 'fs.suid_dumpable=0' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf
sudo /sbin/sysctl --system
sudo sysctl -a |grep suid

5bsysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict contains equal expected and current value (1)Result: sysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=1, Real=0

Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf

echo 'kernel.dmesg_restrict=1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf
sudo /sbin/sysctl --system
sudo sysctl -a |grep dmesg

5csysctl key net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route contains equal expected and current value (0)Result: sysctl key net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=0, Real=1Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf

echo 'net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route=0' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf
sudo /sbin/sysctl --system
sudo sysctl -a |grep ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route
6Test: Check if one or more compilers can be found on the systemResult: found installed compiler. See top of logfile which compilers have been found or use /bin/grep to filter on 'compiler'
Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (1 of 3). Currently having 180 points (out of 286

Found known binary: as (compiler) - /usr/bin/as
Found known binary: cc (compiler) - /usr/bin/cc
Found known binary: g++ (compiler) - /usr/bin/g++
Found known binary: gcc (compiler) - /usr/bin/gcc

Uninstall gcc and remove /usr/bin/as, /usr/bin/cc

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