In 2023 we want to start off prototyping an open tool which will help make designing edge services easier. The goals are:
- Improve on existing tooling for edge service designers in a substantial way
- Provide an open source implementation
- Have something usable in a short (<1year) time frame
Even a relatively small piece of working code can be an anchor for further improvements. We also want to get our ideas "out there" to see what has traction (i.e. what looks useful to other developers and service designers). Hopefully, this can lead to productive partnerships and encourage ongoing development towards implementing the overall vision of the platform.
We've looked at the landscape of open tools and standards which could be applied to edge services, and have settled, at least for now, on OASIS TOSCA as a potential base technology. TOSCA is already in use in ONAP. It is a relatively mature standard, but still actively under development, and with several implementations. In particular, Eclipse Winery is an open source tool that provides graphical visualization and design tools using TOSCA data structures and formats. XOpera is another tool which provides support for deploying services described by TOSCA CSAR files.
TOSCA is a standard focused firstmost on cloud services. It seems likely that adapting it for use on the edge will require some work. On the other hand, it does provide a firm and extremely flexible foundation for modeling services. For this reason, and because of the availability of open source tooling mentioned above, it seems like a good fit for our project.
Our initial focus will functionality supporting these goals:
- Reducing complexity for people designing edge services by supporting flexible and reusable service designs (service catalogs) and abstractions of service subsystems (components)
- Supporting developers of edge-oriented software and hardware offerings by making it possible to provide their products to service designers as service components, with the potential to be simply dropped into a service design with minimal configuration
How we plan to do this will be discussed below.