PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.12.02
PCEI Blueprint Minutes 2020.12.02
5pm, Wednesday, Pacific
- Update on ETSI MEC and MEF LSO architecture mapping - MEHMET TOY
- Update on development efforts/plan using EMCO for PCEI Enabler implementation
- Demonstration of deploying and running Azure IoT Edge (containerized) using EMCO
- Deploy EMCO using Aarna AMCOP distribution.
- Deploy worker Edge K8S clusters (also using Aarna scripts)
- Onboard the worker K8S clusters onto EMCO using EMCO UI
- Package Azure IoT Edge and AWS GGC Helm charts into EMCO application tar files
- Onboard Azure IoT Edge and AWS GGC as a service/application into EMCO using UI
- Deploy Azure IoT Edge onto the worker Edge K8S cluster
- Azure IoT Edge required to deploy a custom CRD
- Deploy AWS GGC onto the worker K8S cluster
- All pods came up and registered with Azure cloud IoT Hub
- Deploy a custom LoRa IoT module into Azure IoT Edge on the worker cluster
- Successfully pass IoT messages from a simulated IoT device to Azure IoT Edge and IoT Hub
- Discussion on how to proceed with the R4 development plan
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