Oleg Berzin provided a summary of work on PCEI to date
The team reviewed an example UPF Distribution and LBO use case based on the Equinix MWC19 demo
gao chen commented that in principle this use case is in-line with the China Unicom use case
There is a rough consensus that we can take the example use case as a basis and develop the details
cmti CA commented that the use case implementation will need to be carefully scoped in order to develop a reasonable set of capabilities in the PCEI code
Oleg Berzin agreed to create a PCEI Use Case Development page in the WiKi and populate the draft UPF Distribution/LBO use case material for further discussion
The team reviewed the draft PCEI blog (as per the TSC R3 recommendation to publish the blog)
Oleg Berzin provided a walkthrough of the draft blog structure. Sections include:
Role of 5G
The Mobile Edge
The "Edge-in and Cloud-out" trend
PCEI Overview
Use Cases
There is a rough consensus that the blog structure is reasonable
Oleg Berzin agreed to create a PCEI Blog page in the WiKi and move the contents of the draft into the blog page
The ask for the team is to review and provide edits/comments
Validation labs
Wei Chen Allen provided an update that the China Unicom lab location will be in Beijing
Oleg Berzin commented that the Equinix lab does not have 4G/5G access capabilities and that it would be good to discuss with David Plunkett if AT&T could help with providing 4G/5G network access.