The general PCEI Architecture Document can be found at this link:
The EMCO-based implementation of PCEI in R4 is shown below:
Architecture and Validation elements used in PCEI R4.
- Deploy EMCO on K8S
- Deploy Edge K8S clusters
- Onboard Edge K8S clusters onto EMCO
- Provision Public Cloud Core Service and Push Custom Module for IoT Edge
- Package Azure IoT Edge and AWS GGC Helm Charts into EMCO application tar files
- Onboard Azure IoT Edge and AWS GGC as a service/application into EMCO
- Deploy Azure IoT Edge and AWS GGC onto the Edge K8S clusters
- All pods came up and register with Azure cloud IoT Hub and AWS IoT Core
- Deploy a custom LPWA IoT module into Azure IoT Edge on the worker cluster
- Successfully pass LPWA IoT messages from a simulated IoT device to Azure IoT Edge, decode messages and send Azure IoT Hub