Various Akraino Release Upstream Dependencies and Compliance Table
As of R4, in order to build a stable release (A release is a release which Downstream and Community can rebuild after a certain long period of time), Upstream will need to specify upstream repositories completely and with corresponding version/branch information. Also Upstream Sub-committee recommends to use tag instead of branch if possible.
R4 Requirement: (TO BE DISCUSSED in TSC)
- If a BP has no code changes to upstream repositories, then it would just need to specify fully its upstream release versions in its release document, matching with its bluval testing versions.
- If a BP has code changes to upstream repositories, then it would need to either merge the code into the upstream before the R4 release time frame and updates its release versions. If the code cant be merged the code into upstream timely, then the BP will not fit into the R4 (TBD).
- Or an upstream fork is acceptable, but the fork should be locked before R4 release and the code should be merged back to upstream eventually.
R4 Release Review Status (In Progress, all BPs please follow the schedule)