This project offers a means for deploying a Kubernetes cluster that satisfies the requirements of ONAP multicloud/k8s plugin.
Its ansible playbooks allow provisioning a deployment on Virtual Machines and on Baremetal.
KuD facilitates virtual deployment using Vagrant and Baremetal deployment using the All-in-one script.
Name | Description | Source | Status |
Kubernetes | Base Kubernetes deployment | kubespray | Done |
ovn4nfv | Integrates Opensource Virtual Networking | configure-ovn4nfv.yml | Tested |
Virtlet | Allows to run VMs | configure-virtlet.yml | Tested |
Multus | Provides Multiple Network support in a pod | configure-multus.yml | Tested |
NFD | Node feature discovery | configure-nfd.yml | Tested |
Istio | Service Mesh platform | configure-istio.yml | Tested |
To deploy KuD independent of ICN please refer to the documents/instructions here.