The guide covers the installation details which are related to Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge) Blueprint.
This is the first release for this blueprint, the guide covers detailed information of the various types of deployments, detailed steps and what are the various components it will install. In addition, the guide provides information on hardware requirements, prerequisite software and minimum hardware requirements. On successful deployment, MECM and MEC Hosts will be installed. The number of nodes in MECM cluster and MEC Host cluster is configurable.
The MECM is a K8s Cluster and MEC host is a K3s Cluster.
How to use this document
The document includes details of prerequisites /pre-installation, installation and uninstalls steps.
The prerequisites and pre-installation software and hardware should be ready before executing the installation steps.
In BP first release Two types of installation mechanisms are provided, as below
- Ansible-Playbook single command
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
Deployment Architecture
The Deployment Architecture consists of the following nodes
- One-Click Deployment Node
- MECM Node / Center Node
- MEC Hosts Node / Edge Node
Note: For Development environment two nodes is sufficient, where one node plays a dual role of One-Click Deployment Node and MECM Node with other as MEC Host.
Figure: EALTEdge Deployment Architecture
Note: EALTEdge Blueprint Deployment has been tested on Cloud VM and is not tested on Bare-Metal Environment. Though, theoretically deployment should work in bare metal, provided hardware and software prerequisites are met. Kindly refer R3 - Test Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge) to get details on the tested deployment.
Pre-Installation Requirements
Hardware Requirements
The number of Hardware requirements depends mainly on the Use Case Scenario and the enterprise scale. A use case can have one MECM Cluster with one or multiple MEC Host clusters.
The minimum number of nodes required for a complete EALTEdge Topology is three. (Bare-Metal or Virtual Machines)
1) Deployment Node
3) MEC Host
Note: The Hardware details provided are of Virtual Machine configurations.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
MECM | |
HW Aspect | Requirements |
# of Node(s) | A virtual machine hosted in any Cloud Provider having internet connectivity. |
# of CPU | 8 |
Architecture | x86_AMD64 or ARM64. |
RAM | 8 GB |
Disk | 120 GB ~ 512GB |
Networks | 1 |
MEC Host(s) | |
HW Aspect | Requirements |
# of Node(s) | 1 MEC Host |
# of CPU | 4 |
Architecture | x86_AMD64 or ARM64. |
RAM | 4 GB |
Disk | 20 GB ~ 256 GB |
Network | 1 |
Note: The above specifications are given considering the EALTEdge CI / CD environment. User can try lower configuration considering lightweight components being used.
Recommended Hardware Requirements
MECM | |
HW Aspect | Requirements |
# of Node(s) | A virtual machine hosted in any Cloud Provider having internet connectivity. |
# of CPU | 8 |
Architecture | x86_AMD64 or ARM64. |
RAM | 8 GB |
Disk | 120 GB ~ 512GB |
Networks | 1 |
MEC Host(s) | |
HW Aspect | Requirements |
# of Node(s) | 1 MEC Host |
# of CPU | 4 |
Architecture | x86_AMD64 or ARM64. |
RAM | 4 GB |
Disk | 20 GB ~ 256 GB |
Network | 1 |
Software Prerequisites
- Virtual Machines preinstalled with Ubuntu 16.04 /18.04 for MECM Node.
- Virtual Machines preinstalled with Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04 or CentOS 7.X for MEC Host Nodes
- root user created in the Deployment Node, MEC Node and MEC Host Node.
- SSH Server running in all the Nodes.
- Ansible > 2.5 installed in One Click Deployment Node (Jump Host)
- git installed in Jump Host.
- Kubespray code is downloaded (
- GO Lang (version greater than 1.15.3) installed in Jump Host, required for CLI.
Database Prerequisites
Schema scripts
Other Installation Requirements
Jump Host Requirements
Network Requirements
- Internet connectivity in Jump Host, MECM and MEC Hosts.
- The MECM Master Node and MEP Master Node should be able to ping each other.
Bare Metal Node Requirements
Execution Requirements (Bare Metal Only)
Installation High-Level Overview
The blueprint provides one click deployment and command-line interface for installing the EALTEdge blueprint components.
Bare Metal Deployment Guide
Install Bare Metal Jump Host
Note: EALTEdge Blueprint Deployment has been tested on Huawei Cloud Virtual Machines and is not tested on Bare-Metal Environment.
Though theoretically deployment should run successfully in bare metal too provided hardware and software prerequisites are met.
Creating a Node Inventory File
Creating the Settings Files
Virtual Deployment Guide
For Virtual Deployment minimum three Virtual machines, following are the virtual machines and their usage
No | Usage |
1 | Jump Host (One Click Deployment Node) |
2 | MECM (Controller) / Center Node |
3 | MEC Host (Edge Node) |
All the nodes should have internet connectivity , network interface and network connectivity between the VM's.
In this release providing two ways to install the EALTEdge environment.
i) EALTEdge Deployment using Ansible-Playbook single command.
ii) EALTEdge Deployment using CLI
Standard Deployment Overview
Jump Host Software Installations:
Login to the Jump Host and perform the below steps:
- Install Ansible > ?.[]
- Install git
- Install GoLang > 1.15+
- Git clone the Kubespray repo. []
- Install python3 and pip3
- cd kubespray && pip install -r requirements.txt
Jump Host Pre-Configurations for MECM Components Installation
Login to the Jump Host and perform the below configuration steps (Steps : as below-
1. Generate public key : #ssh-keygen
2. Copy the ssh key to all the nodes in the MECM Cluster, using ssh-copy-id. (example : #ssh-copy-id root@
3. Kubespray configuration
cd kubespray && cp -rfp inventory/sample inventory/mycluster
Update ansible inventory file provided in kubesrpay repo with MECM Cluster node IP's
declare -a IPS=(
CONFIG_FILE=inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml python3 contrib/inventory_builder/ ${IPS[@]}
4. Review and Change Parameters under inventory/mycluster/group_vars
cat inventory/mycluster/group_vars/all/all.yml
cat inventory/mycluster/group_vars/k8s-cluster/k8s-cluster.yml
Installing Mode : EALTEdge using Ansible-Playbooks
1. git clone the ealt-edge repo, to download the software to install the EALTEdge Environment.
root@akraino-mec-0002:~# git clone ""
2. go to the below directory
root@akraino-mec-0002:~# cd ealt/infra/playbooks
3. Modify the Configuration File : ealt-inventory.ini with the details of MECM and MEC Hosts.
root@akraino-mec-0002:~# vi ealt-inventory.ini
4. Execute the below command
**Setup environment -
root@akraino-mec-0002:~# ansible-playbook ealt-all.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --extra-vars "operation=install"
Once the execution is completed in console will see prompt "EALTEdge Environment Installed , Components Install MECM and MEC Hosts Successfully"
Other Options:
To Install only MEC Host / Edge node
root@akraino-mec-0002:~# ansible-playbook ealt-all.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --tags "edge" --extra-vars "operation=install"
Installing Mode : EALTEdge using CLI
1. git clone the ealt-edge repo, to download the software to install the EALTEdge Environment.
root@akraino-mec-0002:~# git clone ""
2. go to CLI directory
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#cd ealt/infra/cli/
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#chmod +x build
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#cd ~/ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks
Note: The CLI Commands to setup the environment should be executed only from above path.
3. Edit the Configuration File : ealt-inventory.ini with the details of MECM and MEC Hosts.
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#vi ealt-inventory.ini
4. Execute the below command to install EALTEdge Environment
In non secure mode
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ealt init all
Above command will install the various component. Refer the below table for detail information.
Other CLI Commands:
Command to Install only Edge Node (MEP Node)
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ealt init edge
Deploying Application Packages : Using CLI
This feature is currently not supported in Release 4. Will be modified based on the upstream EdgeGallery Project's feature on the next Release.
Snapshot Deployment Overview
Not Applicable
Special Requirements for Virtual Deployments
Install Jump Host
Verifying the Setup - VM's
Upstream Deployment Guide
Upstream Deployment Key Features
Special Requirements for Upstream Deployments
Scenarios and Deploy Settings for Upstream Deployments
Including Upstream Patches with Deployment
Interacting with Containerized Overcloud
Verifying the Setup
Verifying EALTEdge Deployment
Currently the verification is manually done.
- Login to the MECM Node and check whether K8S cluster is installed.
- Check grafana and AppLCM services are running as PODS.
- Login to MEC Host and check K3S is installed.
Developer Guide and Troubleshooting
Uninstall Guide
Using Ansible Playbooks
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ansible-playbook ealt-all-uninstall.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --extra-vars "operation=uninstall"
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ansible-playbook ealt-all-uninstall.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --tags "edge" --extra-vars "operation=uninstall"
Using CLI
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ealt clean all
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ealt clean edge
Vault documentation
**This document explains how to generate certificate by using vault and cert manager**
Kong documentation
**This document explains how to configure mep and kong**
##set up the EALT Environment. Refer the Installation Guide[Specify the installation guide wiki url]
##Mep will install as a pod
##First create setup by using below command server running in https
ansible-playbook ealt-all.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --extra-vars "operation=install mode=prod"
##For http use below command
ansible-playbook ealt-all.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --extra-vars "operation=install mode=dev"
##Mep will install as a pod
##MEP services will be running in the MEC Host (MEP)
##Check the mep running or not use below command
kubectl get po -n mep
##Output -

kubectl get svc -n mep
##Output -

##Configure Kong
##HTTPS Env - Rest API request Adding Services and Adding Route in Kong API Gateway
##DNS mapping should be done correctly
##HTTPS Env - Rest API request deleting route and services
##HTTP Env - Rest API request Adding Services and Adding Route in Kong API Gateway
##DNS mapping should be done correctly
##HTTP Env - Rest API request deleting route and services
##To verify the configurations done in Kong.
##Trigger the below Rest API
##In HTTP mode.
##In HTTPS Mode
##Get certificate from MEP server
##Login MEP server
cd /tmp/mepserver/deploy/
##Given path you will get all required certificates
##ca.crt client certificate
##tls.key is a server key
##tls.crt server certificate
Error Message Guide
Blueprint Package Maintenance
Software maintenance
Hardware maintenance
Blueprint Deployment Maintenance
Frequently Asked Questions
Any software developed by the "Akraino Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge Project is licensed under the
Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use the content of this software bundle except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at <>
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
License information of EALTEdge Blueprint Components
OCD Host
S. No | Software | Type | Version | License | Remarks |
1. | Kubespray | K8S Tool | 2.13 | Apache 2.0 license |
S. No | Software | Type | Version | License | Remarks |
1. | Docker | CRI | 18.06 | Apache 2.0 license | |
2. | Kubernetes | Orchestration | 1.19.3 | Apache 2.0 license | |
3. | Helm | Application Package Manager | 3.0.2 | Apache 2.0 license | |
4. | Grafana | Monitoring | 8-7.66.0 | Apache 2.0 license | |
5. | Calico | CNI Plugin | 3.14.0 | Apache 2.0 license | |
6. | PostgresSQL | DB | 9.6 | PostgreSQL License | |
7. | AppLCM | MECM-Service | 1.0 | Apache 2.0 license | Code is part of Akraino Code Repo. Includes Broker, Helm Plugin and Catalog |
MEC Host
S. No | Software | Type | Version | License Information | Remarks |
1. | Docker | CRI | 19.03 | Apache 2.0 license | |
2. | K3S | Orchestration | 1.18.2 | Apache 2.0 license | |
3. | Helm | Application Package Manager | 3.0.2 | Apache 2.0 license | |
4. | cAdvisor | Container Metrics | v0.36.0 | Apache 2.0 license | |
5 | RabbitMQ | Message Broker | 3.7 | Mozilla Public License | No code modifications done. RabbitMQ image is deployed as is. |
6 | Prometheus | Metrics Collector | 9.3.1 | Apache 2.0 license | Internally its installing following metrics exporter NodeExporter, alertManager, kubeStateMetrics, pushgateway |
7 | Kong | API Gateway | 1.5.1 | Apache 2.0 license | |
8 | Vault | Secret Management | 0.5.0 | Mozilla Public License 2.0 | No code modifications done. Vault image is deployed as is. |
9 | Cert-Manager | Certificate Management | 0.15.0 | Apache 2.0 license | |
10. | Postgres SQL | Database | 9.6 | PostgreSQL License | |
10 | MEP Server | EALTEdge MEP Platform Service | 1.0 | Apache 2.0 license | Code is part of Akraino Code Repository. |
11 | MEP Agent | EALTEdge MEP Agent Library | 1.0 | Apache 2.0 license | Code is part of Akraino Code Repository. |
Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
- EALTEdge - Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge).
- MECM - Multi Access Edge Computing Manager.
- MEC - Multi Access Edge Computing.
- MEP - Multi Access Edge Platform.