<Details about Additional tests required for this Blue Print in addition to the Akraino Validation Feature Project>
Akarino Test Group Information
<The Testing Ecosystem>
Testing Working Group Resources
Overall Test Architecture
Describe the components of Test set up
Test Bed
Test Framework
Traffic Generator
Test API description
<Akraino common tests>
The Test inputs
Test Procedure
Expected output
Test Results
<Blueprint extension tests>
The Test inputs
Test Procedure
Expected output
Test Results
<Feature Project Tests>
The Test inputs
Test Procedure
Expected output
Test Results
<BluVal Tests>
The Test inputs
Test Procedure
Expected output
Table of Contents
This document covers Test Deployment Environment and Test Case Result for Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco edge (EALTEdge) Gateway Blueprint.
The topology in this release for this version includes 3 Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Machine nodes and 1 CentOs 7.7 Virtual Machine node which are Jump Host, MECM and MEC Hosts.
Akraino Test Group Information
Not Applicable
Overall Test Architecture
Test Topology
The Test Environment for EALTEdge Blueprint is a Virtual Machine Environment hosted on Huawei Public Cloud.
Four Virtual Machines are being used:
OCD Host - Virtual Machine Details
Architecture | aarch64 |
CPU(s) | 8 |
Online CPU | 0-7 |
Thread per Core | 1 |
Core(s) per socket | 8 |
Operating System | Ubuntu 18.04 |
MECM Virtual Machine Details
Architecture | aarch64 |
CPU(s) | 8 |
Online CPU | 0-7 |
Thread per Core | 1 |
Core(s) per socket | 8 |
Operating System | Ubuntu 18.04 |
MEC Host Node 1 Virtual Machine Details
Architecture | aarch64 |
CPU(s) | 8 |
Online CPU | 0-7 |
Thread per Core | 1 |
Core(s) per socket | 8 |
Operating System | Ubuntu 18.04 |
MEC Host Node 2 Virtual Machine Detail
Architecture | x86_64 |
CPU(s) | 4 |
Online CPU | 0-3 |
Thread per Core | 2 |
Core(s) per socket | 2 |
Operating System | CentOS 7.7 |
CI / CD Details
For CI , EALTEdge Blueprint is using Akraino Community Jenkins Server.
For CD, EALTEdge Blueprint is using Private Huawei Lab Jenkins Server. Daily deployment build gets executed and logs are uploaded to nexus repository.
CI Jobs
- Triggered by gerrit patch creation/update, the job runs under ealt-edge project.
- Upload the job log to Nexus server in post-build actions.
CD Jobs
- Triggered daily automatically , can also be executed manually.
- Executes an Ansible-Playbook single command to install the complete the environment and executes verify script to check the MECM and MEC Host cluster.
- Upload the job log to Nexus server in post-build actions.
Test Bed
Node 1 : Jump Host (Deployment Controller Node) Ubuntu VM 18.04
Node 2 : MECM (Multi Access Edge Computing Manager) Ubuntu VM 18.04
Node 3 : MEC Host (Multi Access Edge Computing Host) Ubuntu VM 18.04
Node 4: MEC Host (Multi Access Edge Computing Host) CentOS VM 7.7
Test Cases
Platform Test:
Test case to verify successful deployment of EALTEdge Components - MECM and MEC Host , two cases are being executed.
Test Case 1 : Verifies whether the kubernetes cluster is installed properly in the MECM Component , by executing kubectl commands and verifying the result.
Test Case 2 : Deploying nginx on the MECM k8s cluster and on the MEC Host K3S cluster. The test cases is included in the CI and the logs are pushed along with the deployment logs in the nexus repository.
Nexus Repository:
Currently for EALTEdge Blueprint Functional testing is under development.
Test Framework
Not Applicable
Traffic Generator
Not Applicable
Test API description
Akraino common tests
Not Applicable
Blueprint extension tests
Not Applicable
Feature Project Tests
Not Applicable
BluVal Tests
Not Applicable (First Release for this Blueprint)
Test Dashboards
Single pane view of how the test score looks like for the Blue print.
Total Tests | Test Executed | Pass | Fail | In Progress |
2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Additional Testing
Not Applicable