Time (mins) | Agenda Items | Presented By | | Meeting Minutes |
10 | PTLs and Subcommittee Chair Update |
| Yin Ding Akraino Presentation to LF Edge Governing Board: Widget Connector |
url | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yK1DpKc11Ee8zjGOxz9ENYBDrwu03Tn_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104849770405364057669&rtpof=true&sd=true |
May 28th |
5 | Vote on technical community document change about Sub committee |
| Akraino Technical Community Document - Akraino - Akraino Confluence | Haruhisa Fukano send e-mail voting. Now waiting for approvement by mail list. tsc-voting@lists.akraino.org | Vote on Technical Community Document change on 4.6 and |
| Discussion to activate akraino |
| ■Investigation I would like to ask Mr. Kendall to conduct a survey of TSC members and akraino members. Questionnaire to TSC members 1. How often do you attend TSC meetings? 2. Why can't you attend the TSC meeting? a. The opening time is not suitable. b. I don't know when it is held. c. The agenda has no content of interest. d. Others 3. What do you expect from akraino? a. Outreach b. Creating Collaboration c. Others Questionnaire to Akraino members 1. How much activity did you do at akraino last year? a. contributed code or wiki pages b. none 2. (If none in Q1) Why did you stop working at akraino? 3. What do or did you expect from akraino? a. Outreach b. Creating Collaboration c. Others ■Ideas for other activities ・recognition badge ・agenda to atract people ・gest speaker for networking oppotunity and collaboration ・pre-meeting preparation
| |
15 | Release 8 |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)