Table of Contents
EALTEdge Installation Mode:
EALTEdge supports 2 Mode of installation: Multi Node and All-In-One (AIO) Node deployment.
AIO(All in One) mode:
In this mode, all 3 nodes (OCD which is deployment node, Center node and Edge node) are deployed on single VM.
The logical deployment topology can be seen here.
MUNO(Multi Node) Mode:
In this mode, all 3 nodes (OCD which is deployment node, Center node and Edge node) can be deployed on multiple VM.
This mode can have a OCD node deployed on a VM, Center node deployed on same OCD VM or on different VM and EDGE node deployed on different VM.
The logical deployment topology can be seen here.
Bare Metal Deployment Guide
4. Review and Change Parameters
For EdgeGallery MUNO AIO Mode:
- Here user can use the private IP as a master IP
ealt ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks/muno-config/edge/hosts-muno-edgevar.yml
- NETWORK_INTERFACE: regex for network interface on the VM. (user can be check ineterrface name by ifconfig and provide inerface name accordingly for example like eth.* )
- MASTER_IP: Here user can use the private IP as a MASTER_IP
- PORTAL_IP: If portal need to be access over internet then uncomment the PORTAL_IP and use public IP as a PORTAL_IP otherwise portal will be accessible only on private IP default.
- All passwords must include capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters and whose length must be no less than 8 characters. Also there should be no special characters
in it. Otherwise, the deployment will failed because of these simple passwords. - A sample password could be "Harbor@12345"
For EdgeGallery MUNO Mode:
- Here user can use the private IP as a master IP of a Controller node
- NETWORK_INTERFACE: regex for network interface on the VM. (user can be check ineterrface name by ifconfig and provide inerface name accordingly for example like eth.* )
- MASTER_IP: Here user can use the private IP as a MASTER_IP
- PORTAL_IP: If portal need to be access over internet then uncomment the PORTAL_IP and use public IP as a PORTAL_IP otherwise portal will be accessible only on private IP default.
For EdgeGallery AIO Mode:
- Here user can use the private IP as a master IP
- NETWORK_INTERFACE: regex for network interface on the VM. (user can be check ineterrface name by ifconfig and provide inerface name accordingly for example like eth.* )
- MASTER_IP: Here user can use the private IP as a MASTER_IP
- PORTAL PORTAL_IP: If portal need to be access over internet then uncomment the PORTAL_IP and use public IP as a PORTAL_IP otherwise portal will be accessible only on private IP default.
- All passwords must include capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters and whose length must be no less than 8 characters. Also there should be no special characters
in it. Otherwise, the deployment will failed because of these simple passwords. - A sample password could be "Harbor@12345"
For EALT-EDGE stack:
Once the execution is completed in console will see prompt "EALTEdge Environment Installed , Components Install CENTER and EDGE Nodes Successfully"
##Now get ca certificate use below command
## is your vault ip, need to replace with latest vault ip
S. No | Software | Type | Version | License | Remarks |
1. | Docker | CRI | 18.09 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
2. | Kubernetes | Orchestration | v1.18.7 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
3. | Edge Gallery | Opensource MEC Platform | 1.1.1 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
S. No | Software | Type | Version | License Information | Remarks |
1. | Docker | CRI | 18.09 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
2. | K8s | Orchestration | 1.18.7 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
3. | Edge Gallery | Opensource MEC platform | 1.1.1 | Apache 2.0 license | Open Source MEC Platform |