Table of Contents
EALTEdge Installation Mode:
EALTEdge supports 2 Mode of installation: Multi Node and All-In-One (AIO) Node deployment.
AIO mode:
In this mode, all 3 nodes (OCD which is deployment node, Center node and Edge node) are deployed on single VM.
The logical deployment topology can be seen here.
MUNO Mode:
In this mode, all 3 nodes (OCD which is deployment node, Center node and Edge node) can be deployed on multiple VM.
This mode can have a OCD node deployed on a VM, Center node deployed on same OCD VM or on different VM and EDGE node deployed on different VM.
The logical deployment topology can be seen here.
Bare Metal Deployment Guide
- Here user can use the private IP as a master IP
ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks/var.yml * Here
- NETWORK_INTERFACE: regex for network interface on the VM. (user can be check ineterrface name by ifconfig and provide inerface name accordingly for example like eth.* )
- MASTER_IP: Here user can use the private IP as a MASTER_IP
- PORTAL_IP: If portal need to be access over internet then uncomment the PORTAL_IP and use public IP as a PORTAL_IP otherwise portal will be accessible only on private IP default.
Once the execution is completed in console will see prompt "EALTEdge Environment Installed , Components Install CENTER and EDGE Nodes Successfully"
##Now get ca certificate use below command
## is your vault ip, need to replace with latest vault ip
S. No | Software | Type | Version | License | Remarks |
1. | Docker | CRI | 18.09 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
2. | Kubernetes | Orchestration | v1.18.7 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
3. | Edge Gallery | Opensource MEC Platform | 1.1.1 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
S. No | Software | Type | Version | License Information | Remarks |
1. | Docker | CRI | 18.09 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
2. | K8s | Orchestration | 1.18.7 | Apache 2.0 license | No code modifications done |
3. | Edge Gallery | Opensource MEC platform | 1.1.1 | Apache 2.0 license | Open Source MEC Platform |