Blueprint species:
Use Case Attributes | Description | Informational |
Type | New |
Blueprint Family | Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) |
Use Case | AR/VR Ecosystem |
Blueprint proposed Name | IEC Type 4: AR/VR oriented Internet Edge Stack for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family |
Initial POD Cost (capex) | NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPUs N/A |
Scale & Type |
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Applications | Augmented reality and virtual reality for gaming, remote conferencing and interactive immersive films (especially SLAM and ray tracing) |
Power and memory restrictions |
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Infrastructure orchestration | Need video caching for tenants |
SDN | Calico and K8s, and Containers serving as client/server (a database to collect sensor data in format of six degrees of freedom) and server/client (a database for rasterization in video format) |
Workload Type | Containers for raytracing and video caching, other techniques could be offload to Edge includes but not limited to:
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Additional Details | GForce Series GPU might be better than NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPUs |
Proposed PTL: