Jenkins (and probably JJB) will be used for all CI/CD purposes.
Each POD will be connected as a Jenkins slave node to one public Jenkins master node or to a local Jenkins master node in the current lab (TBD).
ELIOT Verify jobs (on patch submission affecting the code in ELIOT repo) - i.e. linting input YAML/bash/python on patch submission(DONE)
ELIOT deployment testing(TBD)
ELIOT Daily jobs (scheduled to run recurrently)
- Deploy ELIOTÂ
- Run testing suites
- Collect logs and publish them (e.g. on Google storage)
ELIOT Documentation building (on documentation patch submission for peer review) and publishing (on documentation patch merge)(TBD)
- Documentation
- Installation scripts (the main ELIOT repository)
- Test logs and results
Jenkins Jobs