Blueprint Families
ELIOT: Edge Lightweight and IoT Blueprint Family
IIoT at the Smart Device Edge (family)
PARSEC (Platform Abstraction for SECurity)
API Subcommittee Notes
IoT apps must run on a wide range of devices (not just mobile phones), be able to sustain functionality through loss of Internet connectivity, and often run on devices or platforms with substantial size, weight, and power consumption (SWaP) constraints. Due to this need for robustness, and the underlying variety of devices and OS, IoT applications utilize all types of interfaces, including API, CLI, and web GUI. In an edge computing scenario, remote sensors may connect with edge nodes that host containerized IoT apps.
The next version of the API Portal ( will contain a new top-level category for IoT applications showing APIs both exposed and consumed by the ELIOT and IIoT at the Smart Device Edge Blueprint projects.