Content-Type: application/json
request structure
namespace: Required,String: upload data table namespace
table_name: Required,String: upload data table name
work_mode: Required,Integer: eggroll’s working mode
file: Required, String: upload file location
head: Required,Integer: determine if there is a data header
partition: Required,Integer: set the number of partitions to save data
module: Optional,String: If you need to use the data of the machine where the FATE-Flow server is located, this value is not empty.
use_local_data: Optional,String: If you need to use the data of the machine where the FATE-Flow server is located, this value is 0.
drop: Optional, Integer: When the cluster deployment uses the same table to upload data, it is necessary to carry the drop parameter,0 represents overwriting upload, 1 represents deleting the previous data and re-uploading
response structure
job_id: upload job id,String
data: return data for submitting job ,Object
request structure
namespace: Required,String: download data table namespace
table_name: Required,String: download data table name
output_path: Required, String: download file location
work_mode: Required,Integer:working mode
delimitor: Optional,String: download data delimitor
response structure
job_id: download job id,String
data: return data for submitting job ,Object
request structure
job_id: Optional,String:download job id
limit: Optional, Integer:Limit quantity
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: return data for submitting job ,Object
request structure
job_runtime_conf: Required,Object: configuration information for the currently submitted job
job_dsl: Required,Object: dsl of the currently submitted job
response structure
job_id: job id of the currently submitted job,String
data: return data for submitting job ,Object
request structure
job_id: Required, String: job id
response structure
job_id: job id of the currently submitted job,String
retmsg: return code description,String
request structure
job_id: Optional,String: job id
name: Optional,String: job name
description: Optional,String: job description
tag: Optional,String:Optional,String: job tag
role: Optional,String: job role
party_id: Optional,String: job party id
roles: Optional,String: job roles
initiator_party_id: Optional,String: initiator’s party id
is_initiator: Optional,Integer: mark if it is the initiator
dsl: Optional,String: job dsl
runtime_conf : Optional,String: configuration information for the job
run_ip: Optional,String: job run ip
status: Optional,String: job status
current_steps: Optional,String:record component id in DSL
current_tasks: Optional,String: record task id
progress: Optional,Integer: job progress
create_time: Optional,Integer: job create time
update_time: Optional,Integer:job update time
start_time: Optional,Integer: job start time
end_time: Optional,Integer: job end time
elapsed: Optional,Integer: job elapsed time
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: job data, Array
request structure
job_id: Required,String: job id
role: Required,String: job role
party_id: Required,String: job party id
notes: Required, String: remark Information
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
request structure
job_id: Optional,String: job id
name: Optional,String: job name
description: Optional,String: job description
tag: Optional,String:Optional,String: job tag
role: Optional,String: job role
party_id: Optional,String: job party id
roles: Optional,String: job roles
initiator_party_id: Optional,String: initiator’s party id
is_initiator: Optional,Integer: mark if it is the initiator
dsl: Optional,String: job dsl
runtime_conf : Optional,String: configuration information for the job
run_ip: Optional,String: job run ip
status: Optional,String: job status
current_steps: Optional,String:record component id in DSL
current_tasks: Optional,String: record task id
progress: Optional,Integer: job progress
create_time: Optional,Integer: job create time
update_time: Optional,Integer:job update time
start_time: Optional,Integer: job start time
end_time: Optional,Integer: job end time
elapsed: Optional,Integer: job elapsed time
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: config data, Object
request structure
job_id: Optional,String: job id
name: Optional,String: job name
description: Optional,String: job description
tag: Optional,String:Optional,String: job tag
role: Optional,String: job role
party_id: Optional,String: job party id
roles: Optional,String: job roles
initiator_party_id: Optional,String: initiator’s party id
is_initiator: Optional,Integer: mark if it is the initiator
dsl: Optional,String: job dsl
runtime_conf : Optional,String: configuration information for the job
run_ip: Optional,String: job run ip
status: Optional,String: job status
current_steps: Optional,String:record component id in DSL
current_tasks: Optional,String: record task id
progress: Optional,Integer: job progress
create_time: Optional,Integer: job create time
update_time: Optional,Integer:job update time
start_time: Optional,Integer: job start time
end_time: Optional,Integer: job end time
elapsed: Optional,Integer: job elapsed time
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: tasks data, Array
request structure
job_id: Required,String: job id
role: Required,String: role information
party_id: Required,Integer: party id
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: job view data,Object
request structure
job_id: Required,String: job id
role: Required,String: role information
party_id: Required,Integer
component_name: Required,String: conponent name
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: all metric data,Object
request structure
job_id: Required,String: job id
role: Required,String: role information
party_id: Required,Integer
component_name: Required,String: component name
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: metrics data,Object
request structure
job_id: Required,String: job id
role: Required,String: role information
party_id: Required,Integer: party id
component_name: Required,String: component name
meric_name: Required,String: metric name
metric_namespace: Required,String: metric namespace
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: metric data, Array
meta: metric meta, Object
request structure
job_id: Required,String: job id
role: Required,String: role information
party_id: Required,Integer: party id
component_name: Required,String: component name
response structure
retcode:return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: output parameters, Object
request structure
job_id: Required,String: job id
role: Required,String: role information
party_id: Required,Integer: party id
component_name: Required,String: component name
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: output model, Object
meta: component model meta,Object
request structure
job_id: Required,String: job id
role: Required,String: role information
party_id: Required,Integer: party id
component_name: Required,String: component name
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: output data, Array
meta: schema header information, Object
request structure
job_id: Required,String:job id
role: Required,String: role information
party_id: Required,Integer: party id
response structure
retcode: return code,Integer
retmsg: return code description,String
data: pipeline dag dependency data,Object
request structure
initiator: Required,Object: job initiator information, including party_id and role
job_parameters: Required,Object: job parameters information, including work_mode, model_id and model_version
role: Required,Object: role information of the parties
servings: Optional,Array: fate serving address and port
response structure
job_id:job id, String
retcode: return code, Integer
retmsg: return code description, String
data: status info, Object
request structure
service_id: Required,String: service id
initiator: Required,Object: job initiator information, including party_id and role
job_parameters: Required,Object: job parameters information, including work_mode, model_id and model_version
role: Required,Object: role information of the parties
servings: Optional,Array: fate serving address and port
response structure
retcode: return code, Integer
request structure
name: Requied,String: model version
namespace: Requied,String: model id
response structure
retcode: return code, Integer
retmsg: return code description, String
data: model data, Object
request structure
create: Optional, Boolean: whether to create
namespace: Optional,String: download data table namespace, need to be used with table_name
table_name: Optional,String: download data table name, need to be used with namespace
local: Optional,Object: local configuration
role: Optional,Object: role information
data_type: Optional,String: download file data type
gen_table_info: Optional,Boolean: tag table information
response structure
retcode: return code, Integer
retmsg: return code description, String
data: table information
request structure
namespace: Optional,String: download data table namespace, need to be used with table_name
table_name: Optional,String: download data table name, need to be used with namespace
response structure
retcode: return code, Integer
retmsg: return code description, String
data: table information