- Road: Informatization, intelligence and standardization
- Communication: Unified communication interface and protocol, coordinated vehicle-road interconnection
- Network: Car wireless communication network, narrowband Internet of Things
- Services: High-precision time-space reference services, vehicle emergency systems, rapid assisted positioning services
- Maps: basic maps and geographic information systems
- Data: big data cloud platform, software
Use case 1: Safety Of The Intended Functionality (SOTIF) and I-VICS
- For Area2 (known unsafe scenarios), the basic idea of SOTIF is to identify risk scenarios through safety analysis, and develop countermeasures against risk scenarios.
- For Area3 (unknown unsafe scenarios), various scenarios that a car may encounter under various road conditions need to be identified (in theory) in the early stage of development
Use case 2: Autonomous Valet Parking
- Automatically drive a car from a pre-defined drop-off zone (e.g. the entrance to a carpark) to a parking spot indicated by an external system.
- Park a car in a parking spot, starting in a lane near that parking spot.
- Drive out of a parking spot.
- Drive to a pre-defined pick-up zone (e.g. the exit from a carpark).
- Automatically stop for obstacles while achieving the above.
AVP's New features / benefits based on I-VICS:
- Expand the perception range of car
- Improve the ability of perception and realize swarm intelligence
- Solve the problem of automatic driving safety
-Convert unsafe scenario to safe scenario
-Convert unknown scene to known scene