Versions Compared


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// SchedulerName represents which scheduler to proceed the scheduling.
// If specified, the policy will be dispatched by specified scheduler.
// If not specified, the policy will be dispatched by default scheduler.
// +optional
SchedulerName string `json:"schedulerName,omitempty"`

// ResourceSelector the resources will be selected.
type ResourceSelector struct {
// APIVersion represents the API version of the target resources.
// +required
APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion"`

// Kind represents the Kind of the target resources.
// +required
Kind string `json:"kind"`

// Namespace of the target resource.
// Default is empty, which means inherit from the parent object scope.
// +optional
Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`

// Name of the target resource.
// Default is empty, which means selecting all resources.
// +optional
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

// A label query over a set of resources.
// If name is not empty, labelSelector will be ignored.
// +optional
LabelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"labelSelector,omitempty"`

// FieldSelector is a field filter.
type FieldSelector struct {
// A list of field selector requirements.
MatchExpressions []corev1.NodeSelectorRequirement `json:"matchExpressions,omitempty"`

// Placement represents the rule for select clusters.
type Placement struct {
// ClusterAffinity represents scheduling restrictions to a certain set of clusters.
// If not set, any cluster can be scheduling candidate.
// +optional
ClusterAffinity *ClusterAffinity `json:"clusterAffinity,omitempty"`

// ClusterTolerations represents the tolerations.
// +optional
ClusterTolerations []corev1.Toleration `json:"clusterTolerations,omitempty"`

// SpreadConstraints represents a list of the scheduling constraints.
// +optional
SpreadConstraints []SpreadConstraint `json:"spreadConstraints,omitempty"`

// ReplicaScheduling represents the scheduling policy on dealing with the number of replicas
// when propagating resources that have replicas in spec (e.g. deployments, statefulsets) to member clusters.
// +optional
ReplicaScheduling *ReplicaSchedulingStrategy `json:"replicaScheduling,omitempty"`

// SpreadFieldValue is the type to define valid values for SpreadConstraint.SpreadByField
type SpreadFieldValue string

// Available fields for spreading are: cluster, region, zone, and provider.
const (
SpreadByFieldCluster SpreadFieldValue = "cluster"
SpreadByFieldRegion SpreadFieldValue = "region"
SpreadByFieldZone SpreadFieldValue = "zone"
SpreadByFieldProvider SpreadFieldValue = "provider"

// SpreadConstraint represents the spread constraints on resources.
type SpreadConstraint struct {
// SpreadByField represents the fields on Karmada cluster API used for
// dynamically grouping member clusters into different groups.
// Resources will be spread among different cluster groups.
// Available fields for spreading are: cluster, region, zone, and provider.
// SpreadByField should not co-exist with SpreadByLabel.
// If both SpreadByField and SpreadByLabel are empty, SpreadByField will be set to "cluster" by system.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=cluster;region;zone;provider
// +optional
SpreadByField SpreadFieldValue `json:"spreadByField,omitempty"`

// SpreadByLabel represents the label key used for
// grouping member clusters into different groups.
// Resources will be spread among different cluster groups.
// SpreadByLabel should not co-exist with SpreadByField.
// +optional
SpreadByLabel string `json:"spreadByLabel,omitempty"`

// MaxGroups restricts the maximum number of cluster groups to be selected.
// +optional
MaxGroups int `json:"maxGroups,omitempty"`

// MinGroups restricts the minimum number of cluster groups to be selected.
// Defaults to 1.
// +optional
MinGroups int `json:"minGroups,omitempty"`

// ClusterAffinity represents the filter to select clusters.
type ClusterAffinity struct {
// LabelSelector is a filter to select member clusters by labels.
// If non-nil and non-empty, only the clusters match this filter will be selected.
// +optional
LabelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"labelSelector,omitempty"`

// FieldSelector is a filter to select member clusters by fields.
// If non-nil and non-empty, only the clusters match this filter will be selected.
// +optional
FieldSelector *FieldSelector `json:"fieldSelector,omitempty"`

// ClusterNames is the list of clusters to be selected.
// +optional
ClusterNames []string `json:"clusterNames,omitempty"`

// ExcludedClusters is the list of clusters to be ignored.
// +optional
ExcludeClusters []string `json:"exclude,omitempty"`

// ReplicaSchedulingType describes scheduling methods for the "replicas" in a resouce.
type ReplicaSchedulingType string

const (
// ReplicaSchedulingTypeDuplicated means when propagating a resource,
// each candidate member cluster will directly apply the original replicas.
ReplicaSchedulingTypeDuplicated ReplicaSchedulingType = "Duplicated"
// ReplicaSchedulingTypeDivided means when propagating a resource,
// each candidate member cluster will get only a part of original replicas.
ReplicaSchedulingTypeDivided ReplicaSchedulingType = "Divided"

// ReplicaDivisionPreference describes options of how replicas can be scheduled.
type ReplicaDivisionPreference string

const (
// ReplicaDivisionPreferenceAggregated divides replicas into clusters as few as possible,
// while respecting clusters' resource availabilities during the division.
ReplicaDivisionPreferenceAggregated ReplicaDivisionPreference = "Aggregated"
// ReplicaDivisionPreferenceWeighted divides replicas by weight according to WeightPreference.
ReplicaDivisionPreferenceWeighted ReplicaDivisionPreference = "Weighted"

// ReplicaSchedulingStrategy represents the assignment strategy of replicas.
type ReplicaSchedulingStrategy struct {
// ReplicaSchedulingType determines how the replicas is scheduled when karmada propagating
// a resource. Valid options are Duplicated and Divided.
// "Duplicated" duplicates the same replicas to each candidate member cluster from resource.
// "Divided" divides replicas into parts according to number of valid candidate member
// clusters, and exact replicas for each cluster are determined by ReplicaDivisionPreference.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Duplicated;Divided
// +optional
ReplicaSchedulingType ReplicaSchedulingType `json:"replicaSchedulingType,omitempty"`

// ReplicaDivisionPreference determines how the replicas is divided
// when ReplicaSchedulingType is "Divided". Valid options are Aggregated and Weighted.
// "Aggregated" divides replicas into clusters as few as possible,
// while respecting clusters' resource availabilities during the division.
// "Weighted" divides replicas by weight according to WeightPreference.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Aggregated;Weighted
// +optional
ReplicaDivisionPreference ReplicaDivisionPreference `json:"replicaDivisionPreference,omitempty"`

// WeightPreference describes weight for each cluster or for each group of cluster
// If ReplicaDivisionPreference is set to "Weighted", and WeightPreference is not set, scheduler will weight all clusters the same.
// +optional
WeightPreference *ClusterPreferences `json:"weightPreference,omitempty"`

// PropagationPolicyList contains a list of PropagationPolicy.
type PropagationPolicyList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Items []PropagationPolicy `json:"items"`

// ClusterPropagationPolicy represents the cluster-wide policy that propagates a group of resources to one or more clusters.
// Different with PropagationPolicy that could only propagate resources in its own namespace, ClusterPropagationPolicy
// is able to propagate cluster level resources and resources in any namespace other than system reserved ones.
// System reserved namespaces are: karmada-system, karmada-cluster, karmada-es-*.
type ClusterPropagationPolicy struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

// Spec represents the desired behavior of ClusterPropagationPolicy.
// +required
Spec PropagationSpec `json:"spec"`

// ClusterPropagationPolicyList contains a list of ClusterPropagationPolicy.
type ClusterPropagationPolicyList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Items []ClusterPropagationPolicy `json:"items"`