Table of Contents |
This blueprint is part of the Kubernetes-Native Infrastructure for Edge family. All blueprints in this family follow the same installation guide, so please see the KNI family's User Documentation for deployment pre-requisites and deployment procedures for each target platform (e.g. GCP).
The KNI blueprints share same installation procedure, until the cluster has been successfully deployed. However, they have different workloads applied on it (knictl apply_workloads step). Following is a detail of the applied workloads and how to adapt for your site.
The workloads applied to KNI PAE are following the base/profiles/site pattern. Please see KNI PAE Architecture document for reference.
All-platforms workloads
Installation Steps
As described in the KNI IE Architecture document, this blueprint contains of two clusters, the central management hub and the edge factory site(s). At a high level, you therefore need to perform the following steps:
- Provide the deployment pre-requisites (cloud API keys, pull secrets, etc.) for your target platform according to the generic User Documentation.
- Adapt the blueprint to your own environment:
- Create Quay container image repos to host the blueprints' auto-built images.
- Fork the two GitOps helper repos on GitHub into your own org.
- git clone the two blueprints and two helper repos.
- Replace Akraino URLs with your own and update TLS certs.
- Commit these changes to your repos.
- Deploy the management hub according to the generic User Documentation.
- Deploy the factory site according to the generic User Documentation.
The following instructions detail the second step of adapting the blueprint to your own environment.
Creating Quay image repos
Create the Quay image repositories to host the container images built as part of the GitOps workflow. You can leave these repositories empty since the initial pipeline runs will build the initial images, push them to your Quay repositories, and tag them:
Store your own Quay org name in MYQUAYORG variable:
$ export MYQUAYORG=your_quay_org_name_here
Create a robot account with write permissions to the four repos and download the access token to ~/.kni/dockerconfig.json.
Forking the GitHub helper repos
Fork the following repos on GitHub into your own GitHub org:
Node feature discovery (/manuela-gitops -
It adds NodeFeatureDiscovery component to the Kubernetes cluster. It performs a set of checks in nodes, and adds anotations with the information it can find. It will report hardware, software, network facts, etc...
To customize, you could patch the manifests from
Baremetal workloads
These workloads will only be applied when the site is using the baremetal profile:
- Performance Profile
The PerformanceProfile CRD is the API of the openshift-performance-addon operator ( that applies various performance tunings to cluster nodes to achieve lower latency.
The first step would be to install the operator. The operator manifest has the following bits -
Target Namespace - Namespace in which the operator will be installed -
Operator Group - Create an OperatorGroup CR in the target namespace -
Subscription - Create a subscription CR to subscribe the target namespace to the operator by tracking a channel, like so - next step would be to create and apply the PerformanceProfile CRD.
An example can be found here -
This will automatically update the kernel by setting the kernel arguments as given in the yaml file with other parameters like the enablement of real time kernel, setting huge pages to 1G, reserving CPUs that will not be affected by any container workloads.
It adds the SRIOV network operator, that will add support for managing SRIOV interfaces inside Kubernetes cluster ( . The following manifest can be patched at site level to reflect the settings needed for the environment: : enables PTP kernel module on nodes labelled as worker-ran
It adds components to enable PTP (precision time protocol). It has the following components: configmap used to configure PTP. The configmap has two settings (PTP4.OPTIONS, PHC2CSYS.OPTIONS), that need to be configured properly per site. This manifest should be patched at site level, to change the NIC and the desired parameters.
Adds Ceph storage to the Kubernetes cluster. It deploys and configures the Rook Ceph operator (, relying on directories on nodes to setup the storage space. Following manifests can be patched: adds specific settings for the ceph cluster it defines an CephBlockPool storage class to be used on pods. it defines a CephFilesystem storage class to be used on pods. using the defined rook-filesystem class, creates a PersistenVolumeClaim, to be used as storage for Image Registry.
It adds custom labels to specific worker nodes. Allows to give worker-rt, worker-ran and cpumanager-enabled labels at node level. It needs to be patched per site, as the node names will change.manuela-dev
Store your own GitHub org name in MYGITHUBORG variable:
$ export MYGITHUBORG=your_github_org_name_here
Create a GitHub personal access token with "repo" permissions for these repos and store them under ~/.kni/githubsecret.json.
Git Cloning all repos
Execute the following commands to clone the two forked repositories and the two Akraino KNI IE blueprint repos:
$ git clone$MYGITHUBORG/manuela-gitops
$ git clone$MYGITHUBORG/manuela-dev
$ git clone
$ git clone
Replacing URLs and rebuilding TLS certs
Export the following variables, filling in your own cluster names and domains as well as the GCP project ID and region:
$ export MGMT_HUB_NAME=your_mgmt_hub_cluster_name
$ export MGMT_HUB_DOMAIN=your_mgmt_hub_cluster_domain
$ export MGMT_HUB_PROJECT_ID=your_mgmt_hub_project_id
$ export MGMT_HUB_REGION=your_mgmt_hub_region
$ export EDGE_SITE_NAME=your_edge_cluster_name
$ export EDGE_SITE_DOMAIN=your_edge_cluster_domain
$ export EDGE_PROJECT_ID=your_edge_project_id
$ export EDGE_REGION=your_edge_region
Replace URLs in all repos with your own:
$ find $r -not \( -path $r/.git -prune \) -type f -exec sed -i \
-e "s/\/akraino-kni/\/$MYGITHUBORG/g" \
-e "s/\/akraino-kni/\/$MYQUAYORG/g" \
{} \;
Generate new TLS certificates matching your environment:
$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem -subj "/C=DE/OU=Manuela/CN=*.apps.$MGMT_HUB_NAME.$MGMT_HUB_DOMAIN"
$ cat <<EOF >manuela-gitops/config/instances/manuela-data-lake/central-kafka-cluster/kafka-tls-certificate-and-key.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: kafka-tls-certificate-and-key
tls.crt: $(base64 -w0 <certificate.pem)
tls.key: $(base64 -w0 <key.pem)
$ cat <<EOF >manuela-gitops/config/instances/manuela-data-lake/factory-mirror-maker/kafka-tls-certificate.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: kafka-tls-certificate
tls.crt: $(base64 -w0 <certificate.pem)
Change name and domain of your clusters:
$ pushd blueprint-management-hub >/dev/null
$ sed -i -e "s|projectID:.*|projectID: $MGMT_HUB_PROJECT_ID|g" profiles/production.gcp/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
$ sed -i -e "s|region:.*|region: $MGMT_HUB_REGION|g" profiles/production.gcp/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
$ git mv sites/ sites/$MGMT_HUB_NAME.$MGMT_HUB_DOMAIN
$ sed -i -e "s||$MGMT_HUB_DOMAIN|g" sites/$MGMT_HUB_NAME.$MGMT_HUB_DOMAIN/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
$ sed -i -e "s|edge-mgmt-hub|$MGMT_HUB_NAME|g" sites/$MGMT_HUB_NAME.$MGMT_HUB_DOMAIN/00_install-config/
$ popd >/dev/null
$ pushd blueprint-industrial-edge >/dev/null
$ sed -i -e "s|projectID:.*|projectID: $EDGE_PROJECT_ID|g" profiles/production.gcp/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
$ sed -i -e "s|region:.*|region: $EDGE_REGION|g" profiles/production.gcp/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
$ git mv sites/ sites/$EDGE_SITE_NAME.$EDGE_SITE_DOMAIN
$ sed -i -e "s||$EDGE_SITE_DOMAIN|g" sites/$EDGE_SITE_NAME.$EDGE_SITE_DOMAIN/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
$ sed -i -e "s|staging-edge|$EDGE_SITE_NAME|g" sites/$EDGE_SITE_NAME.$EDGE_SITE_DOMAIN/00_install-config/
$ popd >/dev/null
Commiting and pushing changes
Push the changes back to GitHub:
$ export REPOS=("blueprint-management-hub" "blueprint-industrial-edge" "manuela-gitops" "manuela-dev")
$ for r in ${REPOS[@]}; do
pushd $r >/dev/null
git add .
git commit -m "Customize URLs and update certificates"
git push origin master
popd >/dev/null