Jane Shen, Tina Tsou, Tim Epkes, Deepak Kataria, Jiafeng Zhu, Ike Alisson, Jeff Brower, Neal Oliver, Dan Druta, Doug Eng
Meeting Notes : - Brower
Review of current activities
- TSC has reviewed the whitepaper proposal, it was well received
- ONAP architecture group
Involvement with SDOs, in particular ETSI MEC. Jane will present the white paper proposal in their weekly meeting and ask for feedback and possibly contributions
-Ike Allison commented on key SDO areas to pay attention to:
-TM Forum definitions of telco network slice, "logical network" and "instance storage compute services"
-increasing alignment of ETSI and 3GPP
Jane slide presentation:
-whitepaper ToC -- outline of sections to be covered, contribution opportunities for subcommittee members
-motivation -- purpose of the whitepaper
-PCEI slide
-ETSI MEC architecture comparison
-Edge service models
-Azure edge stack
-ANI (mentioned by Ike)
-Edge enabler module proposed by Jane