24 24 July 2020 / 9:00 AM PDT / Zoom meeting
Jane Shen, Jiafeng Zhu, Jeff Brower, Doug Eng, Neal Oliver, Tina Tsou
Meeting Notes - Jiafeng Zhu, Brower
- API portal discussion:
- Requirement and engineering support we may need
- Opinion for two approaches
- List all hosting options
- API development related to blueprint projects leaders, and have them to fill in the API portal
- Future projects:
- Design of 5G edge enabler (control plane, user plane)
- Brainstorm in the next week meeting
- Review of API landing page proposal slides (to be presented to TSC)
Jane - change API portal website server ownership to “LF Edge / Akraino owned”
Jane - mention either member contribution or LF Edge budget may be needed for the API portal website server
Jane - reorganize Servers, and Eng/Dev support as sub-items under “Resources”
Jane - add need for IT admin support - Further discussion on single URL vs. dual URL approach
Tina - get busy on single URL (API portal landing page) now, ask for approval and budget needs with TSC now, worry later about merging with api.akraino.org into one landing page
Jeff - clarify next steps with TSC: open ticket with LF Edge IT support, send modified slides to API subcommittee for approval, present slides at next week’s TSC call Tues (or Thurs depending on agenda timeslots) - All committee members - try to get customer feedback for Edge Enabler contents, both for API portal purposes, and also possible follow-on whitepaper efforts