xiaojing xu will send email with link of Software Defined Camera (SDC) to the following 3 mailing lists to request blueprint incubation review.
2. xiaojing xu to update Smart Cities R5 Architecture
Use Case
<use case 1>
Smart Building
- energy save
- smart office
3. Yan Zhang to update Smart Cities R5 Architecture
<use case 2>
- Industrial Internet
- Computing Power as A Service (Edge Faas)
4. Sushant mishra (Deactivated) to update Smart Cities R5 Architecture
Blueprint overview/Introduction
5. Jason will create first batch of code of Smart Cities blueprint.
6. xiaojing xu will discuss how to leverage and integrate ThunderSoft's EdgeOS.
Liming Li (Arm Technology China)
- Liming Li (Arm Technology China) sent out incubation review for Software Defined Camera (SDC) new BP proposal. Technical Community and Process Sub-committee schedule combined meeting at 8am PST 07/07/2021.