Nomination Announcement: Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Women of the Year
This award is to reckognise (3-5) women who made impact as contributors, committers, PTLs, sub-committee members, TSC members.
Best IoT blueprint of the year
This award is to reckognise a BP which made impact through development and deployment of IoT area.
- "ELIOT IoT Gateway Blueprint" khemendra kumar
- "ELIOT SD-WAN/WAN Edge/uCPE Blueprint" khemendra kumar
- "Abc" Xyz
- "Abc" Xyz
Best automotive blueprint of the year
This award is to reckognise a BP which made impact through development and deployment of Automotive area.
- "Connected Vehicle Blueprint(Aka CVB)" Tao Wang
- "The AI Edge: Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System(I-VICS)" Hechun Zhang
- "Abc" Xyz
- "Abc" Xyz
- "Abc" Xyz