oneM2M supported IoT Use Cases (UCs) - SAREF (Smart Applications REFerence) Ontology
oneM2M supports IoT Use Cases (UCs) Smart M2M SAREF (Smart Appliances REFerence) Ontology. Initially, SAREF V1 was common to three (3) Domains, namely:
Like this SAREF became Smart Applications REFerence Ontology (core SAREF) with its domain mapping extensions.
oneM2M Release Roadmap
oneM2M Layered Architecure Model
- the Application Layer,
- the Common Services Layer
- the underlying Network Services Layer.
Application Entity (AE): The Application Entity is an Entity in the Application Layer that implements an M2M Application Service Logic. Each Application Service Logic can be resident in a number of M2M Nodes and/or more than once on a Single M2M Node. Each execution instance of an Application Service Logic is termed an "Application Entity" (AE) and is identified with a unique AE-ID.
Furthermore, oneM2M has standardized how these Functions are being executed, i.e. is has defined uniform APIs to access these functions. Figure 5.3.1-1 shows a grouping of these functions into a few different scopes.
The Services above reside within a CSE (Common Service Entity) and are referred to as Common Services Functions (CSFs). The CSFs provide Services to the AEs via the Mca Reference Point and to other CSEs via the Mcc Reference Point.
The “3GPP Trust Domain” in Figure 5.2-1 captures the Functional entities that shall be part of the 3GPP Domain (the Network). Although the Figure 5.2-1 shows that the IN-CSE and IN-AE are outside of the 3GPP Domain, the IN-CSE may be part of the Operator domain (Fig. 4.2-1b).
The 3GPP Trust Domain provides three (3) Interfaces to SCS/CSE (Service Capability Server/Common Service Entity) for MTC:
The SEM CSF includes Specialized Functional Blocks such as: SPARQL Engine, Repositories for Ontologies and Semantic Descriptions, which may be implemented via Permanent or Temporary Semantic Graph Stores, etc.
oneM2M Semantic enablement for (AEs) and ETSI Smart M2M Resource ASD (Advanced Semantic Discovery)
Semantic Discovery in presence of a "Network" of M2M Service Providers (M2MSPs)
The Advanced Semantic Discovery (ASD) aims to discover AEs (also called Resources) that are registered/announced to some CSEs.