In ICN's SDWAN usages, SFC (Service Function Chain) is designed to support Corp networks to connect to external internet with security connection. The SFC includes Security VNF (e.g. firewall etc.), WAN Opt CNF and SDWAN VNF/CNF, and SDWAN module is worked as software defined router which can be used to defined the rules when connect to external internet. Below diagram shows where SDWAN module located in the whole system.
Basic Technology
The OpenWRT Project (https://openwrt.org/) is an open source project based on Linux, and it is primarily used on embedded devices to route network traffic. There are more than 3500 software packages which can be installed on OpenWRT via opkg package management system. OpenWRT provides both docker image and VM image to support virtualization solution (https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/virtualization/start). In ICN, we run OpenWRT in container.