Attributes | Description |
Type | New |
Industry Sector | HealthCare, Education |
Business driver | With corona virus spreading worldwide, 62% Rural kids are missing their classes since the Pandemic started, due to no or very low internet bandwidth. While teachers and students are predominantly from surrounding areas, there is no need for the video feeds to be processed 100s or 1000s of miles away from the rural network. Processing at the edge will allow localized educational platform to operate with low internet bandwidth. |
Business use cases | 1. video conference on edge 2. AR/VR with edge 3. EHR ( Electronic Health Record) 4. Wellness/RPG Games 5. LMS |
Business Cost - Initial Build Cost Target Objective | Move currently public cloud-based video applications, Health Application, LMS to the edge, we can still remain the control plane on the cloud, and media plane to be close to customer site such as MEC servers in telco central offices. We choose X86 server to deploy the MEC platform to reduce the cost. In order to support vertical industry specific AR/XR features during video conference, X86 server with GPU inside. •2 X86 Nodes ( The PowerEdge XE2420 provides a short-depth, dense, Dual-socket, 2U server) •Kubernetes v 1.17 •GPU (NVIDIA V100/s or NVIDIA RTX6000) |
Business Cost – Target Operational Objective | It more like a cloud platform, but it's specific for the edge site. •It needs Helm and Ansible for the automation and management tools to keep operational cost lower •Maintain a mixed edge platform including x86 and Arm. •Kubernetes v1.17 •Android 10.0 •GPU ( NVIDIA V100/s or NVIDIA RTX6000) •Both Arm and X86 can support it. |
Security need | Security mechanisms that can be implemented at each layer of abstraction. |
Regulations | N/A |
Other restrictions | N/A |
Additional details | N/A |