This document describes how to deploy blueprints from Akraino's KNI Blueprint Family. It is common to all blueprints in that family, unless otherwise noted.
Pre-Requisites for Deploying to Bare Metal
The baremetal UPI install can be optionally automated when using knictl (see below). When attempting a manual baremetal UPI install, however, please be sure to read: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.1/installing/installing_bare_metal/installing-bare-metal.html
Pre-Requisites for Deploying to Libvirt
For Procedure for deploying a KNI blueprint to VMs on KVM/libvirt, you need to
source utils/prep_host.sh
Please see the upstream documentation for details.
libvirt will be the same as for baremetal, but using vbmc (virtual bmc emulation), to simulate baremetal from virtual machines.
Create site for AWS and GCP
In order to deploy a blueprint, you need to create a repository with a site. The site configuration is based in kustomize, and needs to use our blueprints as base, referencing that properly. Sample sites for deploying on libvirt, AWS and baremetal can be seen on: https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/tree/master/sites.
Site needs to have this structure:
Follow same structure as 01_cluster_mods, but in this case is for adding additional workloads after cluster deployment. They also need to have a kustomization.yaml file that references the file of the same level for the blueprint, and can include additional resources and patches.
How to deploy on AWS
and GCP
The whole deployment workflow is based on knictl CLI tool that this repository is providing.
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/gerrit.akraino.org/kni
cd $GOPATH/src/gerrit.akraino.org/kni
git clone https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/kni/installer
cd installer
make build
mkdir -p $GOPATH/bin/
cp knictl $GOPATH/bin/cp knictl /usr/local/go/bin/
Most secrets (TLS certificates, Kubernetes API keys, etc.) will be auto-generated for you, but you need to provide at least two secrets yourself:
Configure the system properly to run knictl on it: Install knictl
Fetch requirements
Inside knictl path (typically $HOME/go/src/gerrit.akraino.org/kni/installer), run the fetch-requirements command, pointing to the github repo of the site you created
You can enter the console with kubeadmin user and the password that is shown at the end of the install.
Destroying the Cluster
How to Deploy on libvirt
Minimal hardware footprint needed
Only one server is needed, that will be acting as a virthost. Master and worker VMs will be created there
Server# | Role | Purpose |
1 | Installer node | This host is used for remotely installing and configuring master and worker node. This server also hosts bootstrap node on KVM-QEMU using libvirt. Several components like- HAProxy, DNS server, DHCP server for provisioning and baremetal network, CoreDNS, Matchbox, Terraform, IPMItool, TFTPboot are configured on this server. Since cluster coreDNS is running from here, this node will be required later as well. |
High level connectivity
Network connectivity will be the same as the baremetal case, but these can be dummy interfaces as all the network connectivity will be just inside the same host:
Interface | Purpose |
Management interface | Remote root login from this interface is used for entire setup. This interface needs to have internet connectivity to download various files. This can be shared with external interface. This only needs to be present on the Installer node |
External interface | Interface on the installer node that has internet network connectivity. All external traffic from masters/workers is redirected to the external interface of the installer node. |
Baremetal interface | This interface is for baremetal network, also known as SDN network. This interface doesn’t need internet connectivity. |
Provisioning interface | This interface is for PXE boot. This interface doesn’t need internet connectivity. |
OS requirements
Node Role | OS requirement |
Installer | CentOS 7.6 and above |
High level steps
Create site for virtual baremetal
The procedure for virtual baremetal is the same as for the baremetal case, but adding extra flags to indicate that the process is going to be virtual.
First step to start a virtual baremetal deployment is to have a site defined, with all the network and baremetal settings defined in the yaml files. A sample of site using this baremetal automation can be seen here .
In order to define the settings for a site, the first section 00_install-config needs to be used.
Start by creating a kustomization file like the following: https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/community.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/kustomization.yaml
- git::https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/kni/blueprint-pae.git//profiles/production.baremetal/00_install-config
- install-config.patch.yaml
- target:
version: v1
kind: InstallConfig
name: cluster
path: install-config.name.patch.yaml
- site-config.yaml
In this kustomization file we are patching the default install-config, and also adding some extra files to define networking (site-config.yaml).
install-config.name.patch.yaml: https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/testing.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/install-config.name.patch.yaml
- op: replace
path: "/metadata/name"
value: testing <- replace with your cluster name here
install-config.patch.yaml : https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/testing.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: InstallConfig
baseDomain: baremetal.edge-sites.net <- domain for your site
- name: worker
replicas: 2
name: master
platform: {}
replicas: 1
name: cluster
- cidr:
hostPrefix: 23
networkType: OpenShiftSDN
none: {}
hosts: {} <- see it's empty, this will be created automatically as it's virtual
pullSecret: 'PULL_SECRET' <- leave like that, it will be replaced in runtime
sshKey: |
SSH_PUB_KEY <- leave like that, it will be replaced in runtime
site-config.yaml: https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/testing.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/site-config.yaml
apiVersion: kni.akraino.org/v1alpha1
kind: SiteConfig
name: notImportantHere
virtualizedInstall: "true" <- this will tell the installer to deploy with virtual baremetal
# interface to use for provisioning on the masters
masterBootInterface: eno1
# interface to use for provisioning on the workers
workerBootInterface: eno1
# interface to use for baremetal on the masters
masterSdnInterface: eno2
# interface to use for baremetal on the workers
workerSdnInterface: eno2
# The provisioning network's CIDR
# PXE boot server IP
# DHCP range start (usually provHost/interfaces/provisioningIpAddress + 1)
# The baremetal networks's CIDR
# Address map
# bootstrap: baremetalDHCPStart i.e.
# master-0: baremetalDHCPStart+1 i.e.
# master-1: baremetalDHCPStart+2 i.e.
# master-2: baremetalDHCPStart+3 i.e.
# worker-0: baremetalDHCPStart+5 i.e.
# worker-N: baremetalDHCPStart+5+N
# baremetal network default gateway, set to proper IP if /provHost/services/baremetalGateway == false
# if /provHost/services/baremetalGateway == true, baremetalGWIP with be located on provHost/interfaces/baremetal
# and external traffic will be routed through the provisioning host
# cluster DNS, change to proper IP address if provHost/services/clusterDNS == false
# if /provHost/services/clusterDNS == true, cluster (IP) with be located on provHost/interfaces/provisioning
# and DNS functionality will be provided by the provisioning host
# Up to 3 external DNS servers to which non-local queries will be directed
# Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the provisioning network
provisioning: dummy0
# Must be in provisioningIpCidr range
# pxe boot server will be at port 8080 on this address
# Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the baremetal network
baremetal: eno1
# Must be in baremetalIpCidr range
# Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the internet/external network
external: eno3
# These bridges are created on the bastion host
provisioning: provisioning
baremetal: baremetal
# Does the provsioning host provide DHCP services for the baremetal network?
baremetalDHCP: true
# Does the provisioning host provide DNS services for the cluster?
clusterDNS: true
# Does the provisioning host provide a default gateway for the baremetal network?
baremetalGateway: true
Setup installer node
Install CentOS operating system there. Once you have it, configure your NIC/VLANS properly. You can make use of dummy interfaces if you need it, as the network will all be virtualized.
Configure the system properly to run knictl on it: Install knictl
Fetch requirements
Inside knictl path (typically $HOME/go/src/gerrit.akraino.org/kni/installer), run the fetch-requirements command, pointing to the github repo of the site you created
./knictl fetch_requirements <site repo URI>
For example:
./knictl fetch_requirements github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/tree/master/sites/testing.baremetal.edge-sites.net
Prepare manifests
Run the prepare manifests command, using as a parameter the name of your site
./knictl prepare_manifests $SITE_NAME
For example:
./knictl prepare_manifests testing.baremetal.edge-sites.net
Remember that the generated files there have a validity of 24 hours. If you don't finish the installation on that time, you'll need to re-run this command.
Deploy masters
Code Block | ||
| ||
./knictl deploy_masters $SITE_NAME |
This will deploy a bootstrap VM and begin to bring up your master nodes. Once the masters have reached the ready state, you can then deploy your workers. You can monitor the process of installation with:
Code Block | ||
| ||
$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements/openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete --dir $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/baremetal_automation/ocp/ |
When all master nodes are shown as ready, you can start deployment of your workers
Deploy workers
Code Block | ||
| ||
./knictl deploy_workers $SITE_NAME |
This will begin to bring up your worker nodes. Monitor your worker nodes are you normally would during this process. If the deployment doesn't hit any errors, you will then have a working baremetal cluster.
You can monitor the state of the cluster with:
Code Block | ||
| ||
$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements/openshift-install wait-for install-complete --dir $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/baremetal_automation/ocp/ |
After masters and workers are up, you can apply the workloads using the general procedure with:
Code Block | ||
| ||
./knictl apply_workloads $SITE_NAME --kubeconfig $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/baremetal_automation/ocp/auth/kubeconfig |
Accessing the Cluster
After the deployment finishes, a kubeconfig
file will be placed inside auth directory:
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/final_manifests/auth/kubeconfig
NOTE: When using automated baremetal deployment, the kubeconfig
will be found here instead:
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/baremetal_automation/ocp/auth/kubeconfig
Then cluster can be managed with the kubectl or oc
(drop-in replacement with advanced functionality) CLI tools.
To verify a correct setup, you can check again the nodes, and see if masters and workers are ready:
Code Block | ||
| ||
$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements/oc get nodes |
You also can check if the cluster is available:
Code Block | ||
| ||
$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements/oc get clusterversion |
You can also verify that the console is working, the console url is the following:
Code Block | ||
| ||
https://console-openshift-console.apps.$CLUSTER_NAME.$CLUSTER_DOMAIN |
You can enter the console with kubeadmin user and the password that is shown at the end of the install.
Destroying the Cluster
When needed, the site can be destroyed with the openshift-install command, using the following syntax:
Code Block | ||
| ||
$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements/openshift-install destroy cluster --dir $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/final_manifests |
Automated (Baremetal
/ virtual baremetal only)
A baremetal UPI cluster that was deployed using knictl's automation commands (deploy_masters / deploy_workers) can be destroyed like so: