Table of Contents |
what is Virtlet
To solve these problems, we should first have a clear knowledge of device plugin. A related concept for device plugin is kubernetes extended-resources. In conclusion, By sending a patch node request to the kubernetes apiserver, a custom resource type is added to the node, which is used for the quota statistics of the resource and the corresponding QoS configuration.
To send a patch node request conveniently, we first execute kube proxy command to start it temporarily, then add six to devices resource to a node (~1 in the commands will automatically transform into /):
Now we
Device plugin
Now we extend 6 resources for your node, then we can see
Now we can use these resources in our pod by adding "1" to spec.containers.resources.requests/limits and the pod will be scheduled with statistics.
To clean up the extended resources, execute the following commands:
Device plugin
Kubernetes provides to vendors a mechanism called device plugins to finish the following three tasks, device plugins are simple gRPC servers that may run in a container deployed through the pod mechanism or in bare metal mode.
service DevicePlugin { // returns a stream of []Device rpc ListAndWatch(Empty) returns (stream ListAndWatchResponse) {} rpc Allocate(AllocateRequest) returns (AllocateResponse) {} } |
- advertise devices.
- monitor devices (currently perform health checks).
- hook into the runtime to execute device specific instructions (e.g: Clean GPU memory) and to take in order to make the device available in the container.
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||
Why device plugin
- Very few devices are handled natively by Kubelet (cpu and memory)
- Need a sustainable solution for vendors to be able to advertise their resources to Kubelet and monitor them without writing custom Kubernetes code
- A consistent and portable solution to consume hardware devices across k8s clusters to use a particular device type (GPU, QAT, FPGA, etc.) in pods
- ...
How it works
In kubernetes, kubelet will offer a register gRPC server which allows device plugin register itself to kubelet. When registing itself to kubelet, it will notify kubelet of the following information:
- Its own unix socket name, which will receive the requests from kubelet through the gRPC apis.
- The api version of device plugin itself
- The resource name offered by the device pluigin. The resource name must follow a specified format. such as
After successful registration, kubelet will call the ListAndWatch function from device plugin. A ListAndWatch function is for the kubelet to Discover the devices and their properties as well as notify of any status change (device became unhealthy)