Table of Contents
In a Regional Controller based deployment, the Regional Controller API will be used to upload the SEBA Blueprint YAML REC Blueprint YAML (available from the SEBA repository REC repository) which informs informs the Regional Controller of where to obtain the SEBA ISO imagesimages, the SEBA workflows REC workflows (executable code for creatingcreating, modifying and deleting SEBA sites) and the SEBA remote installer component (a container image which will be instantiated instantiated by the create workflow and which will then invoke the SEBA Deployer (which is located in the ISO DVD disc image file) which conducts the rest of the installation.
The instructions below skip most of this and directly invoke the SEBA Deployer from the BMC, iLO or iDRAC of a physical server. The basic workflow of the SEBA deployer is to copy a base image to the first controller in the cluster and then read the contents of a configuration file (typically called user_config.yaml) to deploy the base OS and all additional software to the rest of the nodes in the cluster.
SEBA is a fully integrated stack from the hardware up to and including the application, so for best results it is necessary to use one of the tested hardware configurations. Although SEBA is intended to run on a variety of different hardware platforms, it includes a hardware detector component that customizes each installation based on the hardware present and will need (possibly minor) changes to run on additional hardware configurations. The primary focus of Akraino Release 2 self-certification testing for the SEBA blueprint is the Nokia Open Edge servers, so some issues may be encountered with other server types.
- Minimum of 3 nodes.
- Total Physical Compute Cores: 60 (120 vCPUs)
- Total Physical Compute Memory: 192GB minimum per node
- Total SSD-based OS Storage: 2.8 TB (6 x 480GB SSDs)
- Total Application-based Raw Storage: 5.7 TB (6 x 960GB SSDs)
- Networking Per Server: Apps - 2 x 25GbE (per Server) and DCIM - 2 x 10GbE + 1 1Gbt (shared)
You should see: Installation complete, Installation Succeeded.
Go to SEBA Blueprint Test Document and follow the steps outlined there to ensure that all nodes and services were properly deployed.
Deployment Failures
Sometimes failures happen, usually due to misconfigurations or incorrect addresses.