We successfully validated SEBA installation with post-install validation test in AT&T SEBA Blueprint Validation Lab (Atlanta, GA). These test cases have been identified manually with a Nokia OpenEdge cluster. More clusters will be tested in the AT&T lab and other labs in later releases.
Post-install validation - UPDATE FOR SEBA
A post installation verification is required to ensure that all nodes and services were properly deployed.
Output: The command output shows the number of REC SEBA nodes.
5. Verify Components
- Chart repository is up and running: (The curl command below is really one line.)
curl -sS -XGET --cacert /etc/chart-repo/ssl/ca.pem --cert /etc/chart-repo/ssl/chart-repo1.pem
--key /etc/chart-repo/ssl/chart-repo1-key.pem pem https://chart-repo.kube-system.svc.rec.io:8088/charts/index.yaml
Output: output is a yaml file.
helm list
Output: caas-infra.
Additional Testing - UPDATE FOR SEBA
More detail of additional test cases will be added in the near future. (Make sure SEBA containers are running/completed. Grab example from logs and copy here.)