This document describes how to deploy blueprints from Akraino's KNI Blueprint Family. It is common to all blueprints in that family, unless otherwise noted.
Pre-Requisites for Deploying to Bare Metal
The baremetal UPI install can be optionally automated when using knictl (see below). When attempting a manual baremetal UPI install, however, please be sure to read: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.1/installing/installing_bare_metal/installing-bare-metal.html
Specific instructions for baremetal are going to be provided later.
Deploying on baremetal
Minimal hardware footprint needed
This is minimal configuration example where only 3 servers are used. Servers and their role are given in below table.
4. Apply workloads
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After the cluster has been generated, the extra workloads that have been specified in manifests (like kubevirt), need to be applied. This can be achieved by:
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./knictl apply_workloads $SITE_NAME |
This will execute kustomize on the site manifests and will apply the output to the cluster. After that, the site deployment can be considered as finished.
Deploying on baremetal
Minimal hardware footprint needed
This is minimal configuration example where only 3 servers are used. Servers and their role are given in below table.
Server# | Role | Purpose |
1 | Installer node | This host is used for remotely installing and configuring master and worker node. This server also hosts bootstrap node on KVM-QEMU using libvirt. Several components like- HAProxy, DNS server, DHCP server for provisioning and baremetal network, CoreDNS, Matchbox, Terraform, IPMItool, TFTPboot are configured on this server. Since cluster coreDNS is running from here, this node will be required later as well. |
2 | Master node | This is control plane or master node of K8s cluster that is based on openshift 4.x. |
3 | Worker node | This is worker node which hosts the application. |
4 | Bootstrap node | Bootstrap node runs as VM on installer node and it exists only during the installation and later automatically deleted by installer. |
First step to start a baremetal deployment is to have a site defined, with all the network and baremetal settings defined in the yaml files. A sample of site using this baremetal automation can be seen here .
In order to define the settings for a site, the first section 00_install-config needs to be used.
Start by creating a kustomization file like the following: https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/community.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/kustomization.yaml
In this kustomization file we are patching the default install-config, and also adding some extra files to define networking (site-config.yaml).
This file is not shown on the site structure as it contains private content. It needs to have following structure:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: community-lab-ipmi
username: xxx <- base64 encoded IPMI username
password: xxx <- base64 encoded IPMI password
type: Opaque
install-config.patch.yaml : https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/community.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
apiVersion: v1 kind: InstallConfig baseDomain: baremetal.edge-sites.net <- domain of your site compute: - name: worker replicas: 2 <- number of needed workers controlPlane: name: master platform: {} replicas: 1 <- number of needed masters (1/3) metadata: name: cluster networking: clusterNetworks: - cidr: hostPrefix: 23 networkType: OpenShiftSDN serviceNetwork: - platform: none: {} apiVIP: <- IP for Kubernetes api endpoint, needs to be on the range of your baremetal network ingressVIP: <- IP for the Kubernetes ingress endpoint, needs to be on the range of your baremetal network dnsVIP: <- IP for the Kubernetes DNS endpoint, needs to be on the range of your baremetal network hosts: # Master nodes are always RHCOS - name: master-0 role: master bmc: address: ipmi:// <- ipmi address for master credentialsName: community-lab-ipmi <- this needs to reference the name of the secret provided in credentials.yaml bootMACAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:98:C9 <- mac address for the provisioning interface of your master sdnMacAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:98:C8 <- mac address for the baremetal interface of your masterbases: - git::https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/kni/blueprint-pae.git//profiles/production.baremetal/00_install-config patches: - install-config.patch.yaml patchesJson6902: - target: version: v1 kind: InstallConfig name: cluster path: install-config.name.patch.yaml transformers: - site-config.yaml
In this kustomization file we are patching the default install-config, and also adding some extra files to define networking (site-config.yaml).
This file is not shown on the site structure as it contains private content. It needs to have following structure:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: community-lab-ipmi
username: xxx <- base64 encoded IPMI username
password: xxx <- base64 encoded IPMI password
type: Opaque
install-config.name.patch.yaml: https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/community.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/install-config.name.patch.yaml
- op: replace
path: "/metadata/name"
value: community <- replace with your cluster name here
install-config.patch.yaml : https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/community.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/install-config.patch.yaml
apiVersion: v1 kind: InstallConfig baseDomain: baremetal.edge-sites.net <- domain of your site compute: - name: worker replicas: 2 <- number of needed workers controlPlane: name: master platform: {} replicas: 1 <- number of needed masters (1/3) metadata: name: cluster networking: clusterNetworks: - cidr: hostPrefix: 23 networkType: OpenShiftSDN serviceNetwork: - platform: none: {} apiVIP: <- IP for Kubernetes api endpoint, needs to be on the range of your baremetal network ingressVIP: <- IP for the Kubernetes ingress endpoint, needs to be on the range of your baremetal network dnsVIP: <- IP for the Kubernetes DNS endpoint, needs to be on the range of your baremetal network hosts: # Master nodes are always RHCOS - name: master-0 role: master bmc: # sdnIPAddressaddress: ipmi:// <- Optionalipmi --address Setfor staticmaster IP on your baremetal for your master credentialsName: community-lab-ipmi <- this hardwareProfile:needs defaultto reference the name of the secret provided in credentials.yaml osProfile: bootMACAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:98:C9 <- mac #address Withfor rolethe ==provisioning master,interface theof osTypeyour ismaster always rhcos sdnMacAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:98:C8 <- #mac Andaddress withfor typethe rhcos,baremetal theinterface followingof areyour settingsmaster are available # sdnIPAddress: type: rhcos <- Optional -- Set static IP on your baremetal for your master pxe: bios hardwareProfile: <-default pxe boot type either bios (default if not specified) orosProfile: uefi install_dev: sda <- where to install the operating system (sda is the default)# With role == master, the osType is always rhcos # Worker nodes# canAnd bewith eithertype rhcos, (default) || centos (7.x) || rhel (8.x)the following are settings are available - name: worker-0 type: rhcos role: worker pxe: bios bmc: <- pxe boot type either bios (default if not address: ipmi:// specified) or uefi credentialsName: community-lab-ipmi bootMACAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:9E:91 install_dev: sda <- where to install the operating system (sda is the default) # sdnMacAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:9E:90 hardwareProfile: defaultWorker nodes can be either rhcos (default) || centos (7.x) || rhel (8.x) - provisioning_interfacename: enp134s0f1worker-0 <- specify that if the provisioning interface is different thanrole: theworker one you will provide on next site-config.yaml bmc: baremetal_interface: enp134s0f0 <- specify that if the baremetal interface is different than the one you will provide on next site-config.yaml address: ipmi:// credentialsName: community-lab-ipmi # If an osProfile/type is not defined, rhe node defaults to RHCOS bootMACAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:9E:91 sdnMacAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:9E:90 osProfile: hardwareProfile: default typeprovisioning_interface: centos7enp134s0f1 <- specify that if the provisioning interface is different than the one #you Withwill type:provide rhcoson the following are settings are availablenext site-config.yaml baremetal_interface: enp134s0f0 <- specify that if the pxe:baremetal biosinterface is different than #the pxeone bootyou typewill eitherprovide bioson (default if not specified) or uefinext site-config.yaml # If an osProfile/type is not install_dev: sda # where to install the operating system (sda is the default) defined, rhe node defaults to RHCOS osProfile: - name: worker-1 type: centos7 role: worker # With bmctype: rhcos the following are settings are available address: ipmi:// pxe: bios # pxe boot credentialsName: community-lab-ipmi bootMACAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:9B:81type either bios (default if not specified) or uefi sdnMacAddressinstall_dev: 3C:FD:FE:CD:9B:80sda # where to install the operating system (sda hardwareProfile:is the default) - name: #worker-1 If an osProfile/type is not defined, rhe node defaults torole: RHCOSworker # osProfilebmc: #address: type: rhcosipmi:// # With type: rhcos the following are settings are available credentialsName: community-lab-ipmi bootMACAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:9B:81 # pxe: bios|uefisdnMacAddress: 3C:FD:FE:CD:9B:80 # pxe boot type either bioshardwareProfile: (default ifdefault # If an osProfile/type is not specified)defined, orrhe uefinode defaults to RHCOS # install_devosProfile: sda # where to install the operating system (sda is the default)# pullSecrettype: 'PULL_SECRET' sshKey: |rhcos SSH_PUB_KEY
site-config.yaml: https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/community.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/site-config.yaml
apiVersion: kni.akraino.org/v1alpha1 kind: SiteConfig metadata:# With nametype: notImportantHererhcos config:the {}following provisioningInfrastructure:are settings are hosts:available # interface to use for provisioning on the masters# pxe: bios|uefi masterBootInterface: ens787f1# <-pxe nameboot oftype theeither provisioningbios interface(default forif thenot mastersspecified) or uefi # interface to use for provisioning on the workers # install_dev: sda workerBootInterface: ens787f1# <-where nameto ofinstall the provisioning interface foroperating system (sda is the workersdefault) pullSecret: 'PULL_SECRET' sshKey: | # interface to use for baremetal on SSH_PUB_KEY
site-config.yaml: https://github.com/akraino-edge-stack/kni-blueprint-pae/blob/master/sites/community.baremetal.edge-sites.net/00_install-config/site-config.yaml
apiVersion: kni.akraino.org/v1alpha1 kind: SiteConfig metadata: name: notImportantHere config: {} provisioningInfrastructure: hosts: # interface to use for provisioning on the masters masterSdnInterfacemasterBootInterface: ens787f0ens787f1 <- name of the baremetalprovisioning interface for the masters # interface to use for baremetalprovisioning on the workers workerSdnInterfaceworkerBootInterface: ens787f0ens787f1 <- name of the baremetalprovisioning interface for the workers network: # interface to use #for Thebaremetal provisioningon network'sthe CIDRmasters provisioningIpCidrmasterSdnInterface: <- rangename of the provisioning network baremetal interface for the masters # PXE boot server IP interface to use for baremetal on the workers workerSdnInterface: ens787f0 #<- DHCPname rangeof startthe (usually provHost/interfaces/provisioningIpAddress + 1) baremetal interface for the workers provisioningDHCPStartnetwork: <- DHCP start range# ofThe the provisioning network's CIDR provisioningDHCPEnd provisioningIpCidr: <-> DHCP end range range of the provisioning network # PXE boot server IP # The baremetal networks's CIDR DHCP range start (usually provHost/interfaces/provisioningIpAddress + 1) baremetalIpCidrprovisioningDHCPStart: 192172.16822.1110.0/2411 <- DHCP start range of the baremetalprovisioning network # Address map # bootstrap: baremetalDHCPStart i.provisioningDHCPEnd: -> DHCP end range # The baremetal networks's CIDR baremetalIpCidr: <- range of the baremetal network # Address map # bootstrap: baremetalDHCPStart i.e. # master-0: baremetalDHCPStart+1 i.e. # master-1: baremetalDHCPStart+2 i.e. # master-2: baremetalDHCPStart+3 i.e. # worker-0: baremetalDHCPStart+5 i.e. # worker-N: baremetalDHCPStart+5+N baremetalDHCPStart: <- DHCP start range of the baremetal network. Needs to start with an IP that does not conflict with previous baremetal VIP definitions baremetalDHCPEnd: <- DHCP end range # baremetal network default gateway, set to proper IP if /provHost/services/baremetalGateway == false # if /provHost/services/baremetalGateway == true, baremetalGWIP with be located on provHost/interfaces/baremetal # and external traffic will be routed through the provisioning host baremetalGWIP: dns: # cluster DNS, change to proper IP address if provHost/services/clusterDNS == false # if /provHost/services/clusterDNS == true, cluster (IP) with be located on provHost/interfaces/provisioning # and DNS functionality will be provided by the provisioning host cluster: # Up to 3 external DNS servers to which non-local queries will be directed external1: # external2: # external3: provHost: interfaces: # Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the provisioning network provisioning: enp136s0f1 <- it typically needs to be a nic, not a vlan (unless your system supports pxe booting from vlans) # Must be in provisioningIpCidr range # pxe boot server will be at port 8080 on this address provisioningIpAddress: # Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the baremetal network baremetal: enp136s0f0.3009 # Must be in baremetalIpCidr range baremetalIpAddress: # Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the internet/external network external: enp136s0f0.3008 bridges: # These bridges are created on the bastion host provisioning: provisioning <- typically leave those fixed names baremetal: baremetal services: # Does the provsioning host provide DHCP services for the baremetal network? baremetalDHCP: true <- set it to false just if you have your own DHCP for the baremetal network # Does the provisioning host provide DNS services for the cluster? clusterDNS: true <- set it to false just if you have your own DNS in the baremetal network and you can configure your names properly # Does the provisioning host provide a default gateway for the baremetal network? baremetalGateway: true
Setup installer node
Install CentOS operating system there. Once you have it, configure your NIC/VLANS properly (management/external, provisioning, baremetal, ipmi). Be sure that you collect the information of interfaces/vlans.
Configure the system properly to run knictl on it: Install knictl
knictl offers two commands to automate the deployment of a baremetal UPI cluster (and only baremetal UPI, at this time). As prerequisites to using these commands, you must ensure the following are true:
Fetch requirements
Inside knictl path (typically $HOME/go/src/gerrit.akraino.org/kni/installer), run the fetch-requirements command, pointing to the github repo of the site you created
./knictl fetch_requirements <site repo URI>
For example:
./knictl fetch_requirements https://github.
./knictl prepare_manifests $SITE_NAME
none: {}
Once the aforementioned items have been dealt with, deploy your master nodes like so:
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./knictl deploy_masters $SITE_NAME |
Prepare manifests
Run the prepare manifests command, using as a parameter the name of your site
./knictl prepare_manifests $SITE_NAME
For example:
./knictl prepare_manifests community.baremetal.edge-sites.ne
Deploy masters
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./knictl deploy_workersmasters $SITE_NAME |
This will deploy a bootstrap VM and begin to bring up your worker master nodes. Monitor your worker nodes are After this command has successfully executed, monitor your cluster as you normally would during this processwhile the masters are deploying. If the deployment doesn't hit any errors, you will then have a working baremetal cluster.
4. Apply workloads
After the cluster has been generated, the extra workloads that have been specified in manifests (like kubevirt), need to be applied. This can be achieved by:Once the masters have reached the ready state, you can then deploy your workers.
Deploy workers
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./knictl applydeploy_workloadsworkers $SITE_NAME |
This will execute kustomize on the site manifests and will apply the output to the cluster. After that, the site deployment can be considered as finished.begin to bring up your worker nodes. Monitor your worker nodes are you normally would during this process. If the deployment doesn't hit any errors, you will then have a working baremetal cluster.
After masters and workers are up, you can apply the workloads using the general procedure as shown here
Accessing the Cluster
After the deployment finishes, a kubeconfig
file will be placed inside auth directory: