Note : ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning) term is used in the BP presentation. This represents both infra-local-controller and infra-global-controller.
As shown in the above figure, the infra local controller is itself a Bootstrap K8s cluster, that brings up the compute k8s cluster in the edge location. Infra-local controller has BPA, Metal3, Baremetal operator(Ironic). This section explains the details of it.
Metal3 & Ironic:
This subsection is referred from https://github.com/metal3-io/metal3-docs/blob/master/design/nodes-machines-and-hosts.md
Baremetal operator provides hardware provisioning of compute nodes by using the kubernetes API. The Baremetal operator defines a CRD BaremetalHost Object represents a physical server, it represents several hardware inventories.
BPA (Define CRD, example CRs, RESTful API)
KuD Changes (Describe how KuD works today and what specific changes would be required)
Metal3 & Ironic
Sequence Diagrams involving all of above + CSM + Logging + Monitoring stuff