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Industry Sector

WAN edge, enterprise, diverse IoT applications in various vertical market segments, Carriers/service providers

Business driver

  1. Many diverse business applications require a converged IoT gateway
  2. Enterprise WAN edge use of SD-WAN solutions or universal CPU (uCPE)

Business use cases

  1. IoT gateway
    1. Smart cities
    2. Smart homes
    3. Smart offices
    4. Connected vehicles
    5. Connected farming, agriculture
    6. LogisticsAgriculture
    7. Industrial, IIoT (OPC-UA, TSN, ...)
    8. ...
  2. SD-WAN, WAN edge, uCPE
    1. Hybrid WAN
    2. Hybrid cloud deployment
    3. BYOD
    4. ...

Business Cost - Initial Build Cost Target Objective

These devices can potentially be very low cost for the build material. For example, a common DIY platform, such as Raspberry Pi, costs only $35 retail. This cost can go substantially higher however once industrial or other market segment requirements are added, e.g. environmental hardening, specialized communication interfaces, hardware security, regulatory constrains constraints and additional processing (e.g. GPU), and so on. The target objective is to be low cost relative to a given market segment.

The eventual deployment cost really depends on actual use scenarios and scale of the deployment, among many other factors.

Business Cost – Target Operational Objective

The business operational cost of course also diverge diverges very much depending on deployment scenarios. A public cloud enabled modest deployment, e.g., can cost very low, to a level that can apply to many use scenarios not traditionally possible before.

The overall design of this blueprint stresses its scalability and zero touch operation automation, such that, with all other factors being equal, it will have extremely low operational cost averaged per unit (of gateway or device).

Security need

Security is very important in this use case. The system should support strong security, support regular security updates as a normal part of operation, and support the gateway units in out of security perimeter deployments.


Various, depending on market segment and target regulatory regions, e.g. GDPR, NIS Directive, Government's Code of Practice for Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) Security for Manufacturers (UK), US FTC, ePrivacy regulation. Further regulation related information or requirements will be specified for use cases.

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