TSC 2020-04-09 (Thurs)
BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/184289009
Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/7o9MDpv-92hIbo3u9Qb_aOkZPLTbX6a8hyYb__Vfn0zBypmsvgpc4ucttdO5WSPu
(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+2020-03-12)
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Gov. Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
Time | Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
10 | New Feature project request review | Arif khan | KONTOUR. Arif khanto send email to process@lists.akraino.org |
10 | O-RAN & Akraino Alliance Proposal review | Interested in supporting: Tina Tsou (Deactivated) | |
10 | API document review and initial comments | Vikram Siwach | Akraino API Doc (Google Doc) Downloadable version |
5 | TAC updates | Brett Preston Kandan Kathirvel | https://wiki.lfedge.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1671298#TechnicalAdvisoryCouncil(TAC)-MeetingAgendaandMinutes |
10 | R3 Release dates
| Kandan Kathirvel Samir Chatterjee, Tina Tsou (Deactivated) | |
15 | Sub-committee Chair Updates
| ||
5 | Groups.io Calendar: Update to UTC | Brett Preston | |
5 | Upcoming Events/ Open Action Items | LF Edge events.pdf |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
- Arif khan to send email to process@lists.akraino.org about Kontor so that it can go through the Process subcommittee
- ALL- if you would like to be part of Release 3, you need to sign up with the Documentation Sub-committee
Votes (template below)
Zoom Chat Log
Voting Template
TSC Voting to Approve XYZ: