Meeting Time: 07:00 AM PST / 03:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)


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Meeting Recording: TBA

(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links :


AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat (Extended TSC)

Clussys Inc.
Bart Dong Tencent
Ysemi Computing



China Mobile

Ampere Computing


Agenda Items

Presented By

Presos/Note /Links/

Meeting Minutes
10PTLs and Subcommittee Chair Update

Question from the community "

we have been trying to bring up the REC blueprint, please note the links as below:

installation guide:
Under this, we have section where we need to obtain the ISO Image, check the links given to download the image is having no image. 

the location of the image :

Also, further we tried to check if we can build the image, where we saw that the packages required are also missing. "

Copying to Paul Carver .

Yin Ding will answer to Lokendra.


Discussion to activate akraino

I would like to ask Kendall to conduct a survey of TSC members and akraino members.
Questionnaire to TSC members
1. How often do you attend TSC meetings?
2. Why can't you attend the TSC meeting?
   a. The opening time is not suitable.
   b. I don't know when it is held.
   c. The agenda has no content of interest.
   d. Others
3. What do you expect from akraino?
   a. Outreach
   b. Creating Collaboration
   c. Others

Questionnaire to Akraino members
1. How much activity did you do at akraino last year?
    a. contributed code or wiki pages
    b. none
2. (If none in Q1) 
    Why did you stop working at akraino?

3. What do or did you expect from akraino?
   a. Outreach
   b. Creating Collaboration
   c. Others

What topic did attract you 
What topic does attract you 

■Ideas for other activities
・recognition badge
・agenda to attract people
    ・guest speaker for networking oppotunity and collaboration
・pre-meeting preparation

Haruhisa Fukano ask Kendall to conduct a survey based on the left questionnaire.


TSC Survey:

Member Survey:

Haruhisa Fukano 
Send survey to each TSC member directly.

Akraino TSC Survey - 回答 | SurveyMonkey (

Manik Sidana 
Davy Zhang
Yanjun Chen
Peter Pouliot 
 Fu Li 
Bart Dong 

5Hackathon with OCP

I will propose to spend $5k from akraino's budget to OCP hackathon as sponsor. The following are the advantages that akraino can gain by sponsoring.
・Increase awareness of LF Edge and akraino by collaborating with OCP, a well-attended community

・Hackathon participants will identify edge use cases, find ways to use Blueprints, and propose new Blueprints

The results for fiscal 2023 are as follows.
The 1st Round of the 2023 Edge-Native AI Hackathon is Complete » Open Compute Project

2023 OCP Global Summit Hackathon was Amazing » Open Compute Project

・2024 Budget plan

    Akraino Budget                       $10,000

    Planning amounts

        Award trophies                    $2,275

        OSS Europe Speaker          $2,725

        OCP sponsor                        $5,000 

From Kendall
It looks like OCP is interested in hosting a hackathon again and are asking LF Edge to sponsor $5k. Unfortunately, the overall LF Edge budget does not have the money to put towards this. 

Last year, the $5k for this hackathon came from the Akraino Discretionary Funds. Is Akraino interested in sponsoring this hackathon again using your discretionary funds? 

From Kendall

Stage 3 projects all receive $10k in discretionary funds each year. 
Correct, LF Edge did not budget for the OCP Hackathon, but we know that Akraino was involved with the hackathon last year and used your funds for the hackathon, which is why we reached out to you. It is no pressure to use your funds for this hackathon sponsorship if Akraino does not wish to participate again. 

We would like to start to vote.
Are there some to second? Yin Ding 

After updating meeting room fee, we will start voting including room rental.

OCP has cancelled this year's hackathon,
I therefore withdraw this motion.
However, Jill and Jeff are discussing the idea of renting a meeting room at OCP as LF Edge, and I will move it again if costs are required.

Kendall said that As of right now, we cannot guarantee that Akraino will be able to spend any discretionary funds this year.

→Confirming when we can know about this.
    And request to use akraino budget for the event.

Kendall said that
We are okay with Akraino spending $1,500 on the AI event that you are working on but right now, we cannot guarantee the rest of the discretionary funds budget unless we are about to convert some of the Akriano TSC member companies to paying members. 


Akraino Confluence and Jira to cloud instances

Eric | Akraino Confluence and Jira to cloud instances

Haruhisa Fukano will start voting.
Motion Haruhisa Fukano 
Second Yin Ding 

AI Developers meeting:
LF Edge and LF AI & Data

15Release 8

Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)

Release date voting sep or nov

Votes (template below)

Zoom Chat Log

(email)Voting:  incubation review about Predictive Maintenance of Hardware

Motion: Haruhisa Fukano 

Seconds: Ike Alisson 

3/29/2024 approved.

SL No.Voting MemberMember CompanyY/N/A
2Ike Alisson AliconY
3Tina Tsou (Deactivated) Arm Y
4Yin Ding GoogleY
5Manik Sidana
6Ysemi Computing
8Jeff Brower SignalogicY
9China MobileY
10Ampere Computing
11Clussys Inc.
12Sujata Tibrewala ByteDance Y
14Bart Dong Tencent
15Rick Cao Meta