Olivier Bernard (Deactivated)

The purpose of this Document is to enumerate the APIs which are exposed by Akraino Blue print project to the external projects Akraino/Non Akraino for interaction/integration.

This document should be used in conjunction with the architecture document to understand APIs at  modular level and their interactions.

This document should function as a glossary of APIs with its functionality, interfaces, inputs and expected outcomes as the following example:

API1 < var 1, var 2, var 2>  


functional description 

) ret 1, ret 2

API 1: Parsec API

Smart Cities deploys Parsec, it's official documentation in https://parallaxsecond.github.io/parsec-book/.

Parsec client invoke API over the IPC transport between Parsec Service. In order to make an API call, the client must use the wire protocol specification to form a valid request to the service. 

Parsec Operations Coverage can be found in https://parallaxsecond.github.io/parsec-book/parsec_client/operations/service_api_coverage.html.

Parsec Client Libraries are available in the following languages: