This page details how to connect to the community lab using the provided vpn and how to control the servers in a pod using ipmitool.
Using the VPN
To connect to the UNH-IOL openvpn server, you must download the vpn file attached to your booking email. You will also need to have an openvpn client installed on your machine (most Linux distributions ship with this by default).
Once you have the file, you may initiate the vpn connection. For example, on a Linux client:
$ sudo openvpn /path/to/laas_akraino.ovpn
The VPN client will prompt you for a username and password. Your credentials can be found in the same email that contains your vpn file.
Using ipmitool
Once your booking is created a set of IPMI credentials will be generated for each server in your POD. Using these credentials you may control your server using the following commands.
Your IPMI credentials will be emailed to you after your booking is confirmed. Additionally, your IPMI credentials can also be found on the LaaS dashboard under Account > My Bookings and then selecting the Details on your booking.
Through the IPMI interface you will be able to check the power status, as well as power on or off the server and reboot. The commands below demonstrate those actions:
$ ipmitool -I lanplus -L OPERATOR -U akraino -P <ipmi_password> -H <ipmi_address> chassis power status $ ipmitool -I lanplus -L OPERATOR -U akraino -P <ipmi_password> -H <ipmi_address> chassis power <on/off/cycle>
For a more comprehensive overview of ipmitool you may use the following command:
$ man ipmitool
I cannot connect to the vpn
Please make sure that you can reach our vpn server, eg
$ ping
If you can ping the vpn server, but cannot establish a vpn connection, a firewall is likely to be the culprit. Please verify that there is not a firewall on your network that will block the vpn connection.
General Support
If you have further questions or problems, you may contact the IOL Akraino team at We are able to assist you with any connectivity problems and will work to respond within one business day.