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NC Family Documentation - Release 1



Table of Contents


This document describes the steps to create a single and multi-node edge sites. 


Unicycle (Three-Node Cluster) - Supported in the future release

Hardware Requirements for Test


  1. Select an Edge Site - MTN1 or MTN2 (these are the two default lab sites hosted in middle town NJ) by clicking on radio button provided in the first column of the table.
  2. For the selected Edge Site, select the Unicycle Blueprint from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on Upload button (in the Site column), this will open a pop-up dialog

Provide the edge site-specific details such as:

  1. Host IP address
  2. Host username
  3. Host password. 

Example: DELL Cluster:

  • Host IP address:
  • Host username: root

  • Host password: XXXXXX

Example: HP Cluster

  •  Host IP address:
  • Host username: root

  • Host password: XXXXXX

4. Click on Browse button, select the input file for Blueprint - Unicycle (Multi-Node Cluster). 
The input file is a property file that stores information in key-value format.  Sample input file used for ‘Unicycle’ deploy: 


5. Click on Submit. This will upload the input file and the site details into the portal.

6. User will see the file uploaded successfully message in the sites column then Build button is enabled.

a.  Click on Build to begin the build process.

b. User can click on Refresh (link) to update the status of the build on the portal.

c. The build status changes from ‘Not started’ to ‘In progress’ to ‘Completed’.

d. The build process will generate all the required yaml files with site details. User can view the generated yaml files by clicking ‘view yaml build file’ provided in Build status column.

Image Modified

7. User will see the ‘Completed’ status in build status column then Deploy button is enabled.

a.  Click on Deploy to begin the deploy process.

b. User can click on Refresh (link) to update the status of the build on the portal.

Note: In portal when the overall status of the Deploy is success, login to each node and check deploy site logs under /var/log/deploy_site_yyyymmddhhmm.log file by using the command tail -f /var/log/deploy_site_yyyymmddhhmm.log file


Following is the snippet from root@aknode44:/var/log# vi scriptexecutor.log

2018-10-02 17:28:58.464 DEBUG 12751 --- [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-2] a.b.s.i.RemoteScriptExecutionServiceImpl : + deploy_site

2018-10-02 17:28:58.464 DEBUG 12751 --- [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-2] a.b.s.i.RemoteScriptExecutionServiceImpl : + sudo docker run -e OS_AUTH_URL=http://keystone-api.ucp.svc.cluster.local:80/v3 -e OS_PASSWORD=86db58e20de93ef55477 -e OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=default -e OS_PROJECT_NAME=service -e OS_USERNAME=shipyard -e OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default -e OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 --rm --net=host create action deploy_site

2018-10-02 17:29:02.273 DEBUG 12751 --- [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-2] a.b.s.i.RemoteScriptExecutionServiceImpl : Name               Action                                   Lifecycle        Execution Time             Step Succ/Fail/Oth

2018-10-02 17:29:02.274 DEBUG 12751 --- [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-2] a.b.s.i.RemoteScriptExecutionServiceImpl : deploy_site        action/01CRTX8CTJ8VHMSNVC2NHGWKCY        None             2018-10-02T17:29:53        0/0/0

2018-10-02 17:29:02.546 DEBUG 12751 --- [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-2] a.b.s.i.RemoteScriptExecutionServiceImpl : Script exit code :0

 Based on the above snippet you can frame a command like following(just concatenate highlighted partes and add describe in the middle) and run it on aknode40 to see the status deploy_site,

root@aknode40:~# docker run -e OS_AUTH_URL=http://keystone-api.ucp.svc.cluster.local:80/v3 -e OS_PASSWORD=86db58e20de93ef55477 -e OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=default -e OS_PROJECT_NAME=service -e OS_USERNAME=shipyard -e OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default -e OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 --rm --net=host describe action/01CRTX8CTJ8VHMSNVC2NHGWKCY



Create New Edge Site locations


The Akraino seed code comes with default two sites: MTN1, MTN2 representing two lab sites in Middletown, NJ. This step of connecting to the database and creating edge_site records are only required if the user wishes to deploy on other sites.

To deploy a Unicycle (Multi-Node Cluster) Edge Node, perform the following steps:

  • Check if the Akraino (Docker Containers) packages are stood up.
  • Connect to PostgreSQL database providing the host IP (name).
Code Block
user name = admin
password = abc123

use ‘pgAdmin |||’ Postgres client tool or connect to Postgres DB using SQL interface  

  • Execute the following SQL insert, bearing in mind these value substitutions:
    • edge_site_id: Any unique increment value. This is usually 1 but does not have to be.
    • edge_site_name: Human-readable Edge Node name.
    • region_id: Edge Node region number. Use select * from akraino.Region; to determine the appropriate value. Observe the region number associations returned from the query: Use 1 for US East, 2 for US West, and so on.

Code Block
> insert into akraino.edge_site(edge_site_id, edge_site_name, crt_login_id, crt_dt, upd_login_id, upd_dt, region_id)
  values( 1, 'Atlanta', user, now(), user, now(),1);
