Variable | Default Value | Purpose |
DROOT | /data | The root of the directory tree for volumes shared with the containers. |
DOMAIN | akraino.demo | The domain under which all these containers run. |
PREFIX | arc | The prefix used when naming the Docker containers. |
PW | abc123 | The password used for the databases. |
NETWORK | ${PREFIX}-net | The name of the Docker network that all containers run on. |
CERTDIR | ${DROOT}/nginx/cert | Alternate directory to pass to NGiNX for the SSL certificates. |
API_IMAGE | nexus3.akraino.org:10003/akraino/arc_api:latest | The Docker image used for the API server. |
AF_IMAGE | nexus3.akraino.org:10003/akraino/airflow:latest | The Docker image used for the Apache Airflow workflow engine. |
DB_IMAGE | mariadb:10.4 | The Docker image used for the database. |
LDAP_IMAGE | osixia/openldap:1.2.34 | The Docker image used for the LDAP server. |