1 Deployment / Installation
1.1 MySQL
The MySQL docker image can be downloaded using the following command:
$ docker pull akraino/validation:mysql-latest
In order to deploy it, the following data is needed:
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, the desired mysql root user password
- MYSQL_USER, the desired mysql user
- MYSQL_PASSWORD, the desired mysql user password
Then, the ‘deploy.sh’ script under the directory ‘validation/docker/mysql’ (refer to subsection 2.1) must be run using the following commands (substitute the info between the brackets with the aforementioned needed data):
$ cd validation/docker/mysql
$ ./deploy.sh --MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD <mysql root user password> --MYSQL_USER <mysql user> --MYSQL_PASSWORD <mysql akraino user password
In order for the IP of the MySQL docker container to be found, the following command should be executed:
$ docker inspect akraino-validation-mysql
1.2 Bluval UI
The Bluval UI docker image can be downloaded using the following command:
$ docker pull akraino/validation:ui-latest
In order to deploy it, the following data is needed:
- DB_IP_PORT, the IP and port of the mysql instance (refer to subsection 2.1). The default port of MySQL is 3306
- MYSQL_USER, the mysql user (refer to subsection 2.1)
- MYSQL_PASSWORD, the mysql user password (refer to subsection 2.1)
- NEXUS_PROXY, the needed proxy in order for the Nexus server to be reachable, default value is none. If no proxy is needed, this variable should not be used
- CERTDIR, the directory where the SSL certificates can be found
- ENCRYPTION_KEY, the key that should be used by the AES algorithm for encrypting passwords stored in database
- UI_ADMIN_PASSWORD, the desired Blueprint Validation UI password for the admin user
Then, the ‘deploy’ script under the directory ‘validation/docker/ui’ (refer to subsection 2.1) must be run using the following commands (substitute the info between the brackets with the aforementioned needed data):
$ cd validation/docker/ui
$ ./deploy.sh --DB_IP_PORT <IP:port> --MYSQL_USER <mysql user> --MYSQL_PASSWORD <mysql user password> --NEXUS_PROXY <URL of the proxy> --CETDIR <absolute path of the directory with the SSL certificates> --ENCRYPTION_KEY <encryption key> --UI_ADMIN_PASSWORD <UI admin user password>
The value of the encryption key can be for example 'AGADdG4D04BKm2IxIWEr8o=='.
The Bluval UI should be available in the following URL:
https://<IP of the Bluval UI container>
2 Appendix
2.1 Download Bluval UI source code
In order to download the Bluval UI source code, the following command should be executed
$ git clone "https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/validation"
Then, this code can be found under the ‘ui’ directory.