What is Kontour ?
Use Case | Requirements | KPI (Example*) |
Video camera transmitting security footage. |
| ULTRA_LOW_LATENCY: Latency range should be 0-2 milliseconds. HIGH_UPLOAD_THPUT: Upload throughput should be 10-100 Gbps |
Retail advertising targeting ads and information for retail organisations |
| HIGH_IPS: Instructions/second processing should be of the order of 2000-4000 HIGH_PIPS: Parallel instructions/second processing should be of the order of 4000-8000 LOW_UPLOAD_THPUT: Upload throughput should be 100 Mbps - 1 Gbps |
S.No | KPI Name | Category | Description | Measurement Unit |
1 | KT_KPI_NET_JITTER | Network | Measure of jitter between two workloads | milliseconds |
2 | KT_KPI_NET_TCP_BW | Network | Network TCP Bandwidth between two workloads | Gbps |
3 | KT_KPI_NET_PING_LAT | Network | Ping Lateny between two workloads | milliseconds |
4 | KT_KPI_NET_UDP_LAT | Network | UDP Lateny between two workloads | milliseconds |
5 | KT_KPI_NET_UDP_THPUT | Network | UDP throughput between two workloads | Gbps |
6 | KT_KPI_NET_UDP_PKT_LOSS | Network | Packet loss between two workloads | Packets lost per million packets |
7 | KT_KPI_COMP_CPU_SCORE | Compute | CPU Performance as per index score | CPU Index Score |
8 | KT_KPI_COMP_IPS | Compute | Measure CPU performance as instructions per seconds | Instructions per second |
9 | KT_KPI_COMP_MEM_LAT | Compute | Maximum Memory latency of a workload | nanoseconds |
10 | KT_KPI_COMP_MEM_BW | Compute | Memory bandwidth of a workload | Mibyte/sec |
11 | KT_KPI_STG_SEQ_RW_LATENCY | Storage | Read Write latency in the workload for sequential readwrite operation in 70:30 ratio. | microseconds |
12 | KT_KPI_STG_SEQ_READ_ONLY_IOPS | Storage | Storage IOPS of a workload for sequential read-only operation | Input/Output Operations Per Second |
13 | KT_KPI_STG_SEQ_WRITE_ONLY_IOPS | Storage | Storage IOPS of a workload for sequential write-only operation | Input/Output Operations Per Second |
14 | KT_KPI_STG_RAND_RW_LATENCY | Storage | Read Write latency in the workload for random readwrite operation in 70:30 ratio. | microseconds |
15 | KT_KPI_STG_RAND_READ_ONLY_IOPS | Storage | Storage IOPS of a workload for random read-only operation | Input/Output Operations Per Second |
16 | KT_KPI_STG_RAND_WRITE_ONLY_IOPS | Storage | Storage IOPS of a workload for random write-only operation | Input/Output Operations Per Second |
17 | KT_KPI_K8S_API_JOB_CREATE_READ_DELETE | API | Kubernetes API performance for job creation, read and delete | Success Rate % |
18 | KT_KPI_K8S_API_POD_CREATE_DELETE | API | Kubernetes API performance for pod creation and delete | Success Rate % |
19 | KT_KPI_K8S_API_NS_CREATE_DELETE | API | Kubernetes API performance for namespace creation and delete | Success Rate % |
20 | KT_KPI_K8S_API_REPCONT_CREATE_SCALE_DELETE | API | Kubernetes API performance for replication controller creation, scale and delete | Success Rate % |
21 | KT_KPI_K8S_API_REPSET_CREATE_SCALE_DELETE | API | Kubernetes API performance for replica set creation, scale and delete | Success Rate % |
22 | KT_KPI_K8S_API_STATEFULSET_CREATE_SCALE_DELETE | API | Kubernetes API performance for statefulset creation, scale and delete | Success Rate % |
23 | KT_KPI_K8S_API_DEP_CREATE_READ_DELETE | API | Kubernetes API performance for deployment creation, read and delete | Success Rate % |
24 | KT_KPI_K8S_API_NODEPORT_CREATE_CHECK_DELETE | API | Kubernetes API performance for nodeport creation, check and delete | Success Rate % |
25 | KT_KPI_K8S_SEC_CIS_COMPLIANCE | API | Kubernetes security score measured via CIS benchmark | Security Score |
26 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_AUTH | API | Kubernetes conformance for sig-auth | Compliance %age |
27 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_STORAGE | API | Kubernetes conformance for sig-storage | Compliance %age |
28 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_INSTRUMENTATION | API | Kubernetes conformance for sig-instrumentation | Compliance %age |
29 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_APPS | API | Kubernetes conformance for sig-apps | Compliance %age |
30 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_CONFORMANCE | API | Kubernetes conformance for Conformance | Compliance %age |
31 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_NODE_CONFORMANCE | API | Kubernetes conformance for NodeConformance | Compliance %age |
32 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_API_MACHINERY | API | Kubernetes conformance for sig-api-machinery | Compliance %age |
33 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_NETWORK | API | Kubernetes conformance for sig-networrk | Compliance %age |
34 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_CLI | API | Kubernetes conformance for sig-cli | Compliance %age |
35 | KT_KPI_K8S_CONF_E2E_SIG_SCHEDULING | API | Kubernetes conformance for sig-scheduling | Compliance %age |
36 | KT_KPI_SVC_NGINX_MAX_LATENCY | Service | Maximum latency in NGINX in serving requests | milliseconds |
37 | KT_KPI_SVC_REDIS_MAX_THPUT_1MS | Service | Redis Server Max Throughput for Latency Under 1ms | requests/sec |
38 | KT_KPI_SVC_MONGO_THPUT | Service | Mongo throughput for database operations per second | operations/sec |
39 | KT_KPI_K8S_NODE_HEALTH | Service | Check health of K8S nodes to be in ready state | Nodes in Ready state |
40 | KT_KPI_K8S_SYS_NS_HEALTH | Health | Check health of all pods in kube-system namespace | All pods in running state |
41 | KT_KPI_OS_API_NOVA_CRUD | API | OpenStack Nova API CRUD performance | Success Rate % |
42 | KT_KPI_OS_API_NEUTRON_CRUD | API | OpenStack Neutron API CRUD performance | Success Rate % |
43 | KT_KPI_OS_API_GLANCE_CRUD | API | OpenStack Glance API CRUD performance | Success Rate % |
44 | KT_KPI_OS_API_CINDER_CRUD | API | OpenStack Cinder API CRUD performance | Success Rate % |
45 | KT_KPI_OS_API_REFSTACK | API | OpenStack API compliance based on RefStack guidelines | Compliance %age |
46 | KT_KPI_OS_API_TEMPEST_NOVA | API | OpenStack Nova API functional verification | Compliance %age |
47 | KT_KPI_OS_API_TEMPEST_NEUTRON | API | OpenStack Neutron API functional verification | Compliance %age |
48 | KT_KPI_OS_API_TEMPEST_GLANCE | API | OpenStack Glance API functional verification | Compliance %age |
49 | KT_KPI_OS_API_TEMPEST_CINDER | API | OpenStack Cinder API functional verification | Compliance %age |
50 | KT_KPI_ENC_RSA_SIGN_4096 | Encryption | Measure of 4096 bit RSA signatures | Signatures/second |
51 | KT_KPI_ENC_RSA_SIGN_2048 | Encryption | Measure of 2048 bit RSA signatures | Signatures/second |
52 | KT_KPI_ENC_RSA_SIGN_1024 | Encryption | Measure of 1024 bit RSA signatures | Signatures/second |
53 | KT_KPI_ENC_RSA_SIGN_512 | Encryption | Measure of 512 bit RSA signatures | Signatures/second |
54 | KT_KPI_AES128_CBC_THPUT_256 | Encryption | Measure of throughput for AES CBC throughput for 256 bytes block | Gb/second |
55 | KT_KPI_AES128_CBC_THPUT_1024 | Encryption | Measure of throughput for AES CBC throughput for 1024 bytes block | Gb/second |
56 | KT_KPI_AES128_CBC_THPUT_8192 | Encryption | Measure of throughput for AES CBC throughput for 8192 bytes block | Gb/second |
57 | KT_KPI_MEC_COMP_TM_BWM | MEC API | MEC Platform compliance to bandwidth management APIs. | Compliance %age |
58 | KT_KPI_MEC_COMP_TM_MTS | MEC API | MEC Platform compliance to MTS(Multi-access Traffic Steering) APIs. | Compliance %age |
59 | KT_KPI_MEC_COMP_TM_RNI | MEC API | MEC Platform compliance to RNI (Radio Network Information) APIs. | Compliance %age |
September,2020 Updates:
Presenting Kontour in AiKaan webinar: